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She won a landslide victory in the vote, so here she is :) So far anyways.



Claudija Tzandrapova

I'd like to see you bringing back some of your one-shots like Scarlet and Paradise, or some like Rosalie and Journye who've not been seen for some time. I do love Champagne but you've been busy with her of late: she had the 4th July piece, she's recently advertised the J-Burger company... let Champagne have a little holiday and lets see some of the other girls who've not had as much exposure heh, no pun intended *chuckles*


Yeah, I'll have to stop votes for a while and be an evil dictator :)

Claudija Tzandrapova

hehe reminds me of your Smut Handbook where you said at the start you'd sell it for loads of dollars as you're an evil Capitalist bastard *chuckles* thank you too as I took a lot of helpful hints and tips from you on coloring from that Smut Handbook. Also come on, the Evil Dictator is always cool to play now and again *chuckles*