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Someone wrote me a grumpy sounding email (perhaps rightly so) that they had not gotten their high res dropbox link and so i was thinking “well it’s been in the Discord this whole time.” But obviously not everyone uses discord so...

if you haven’t gotten your high res links, please check the discord or PM me.

and then, that makes me wonder what percentage of people here use discord...

if you haven’t set up Discord, here is how. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-


Supreme Overlord Llama

It's not that I don't tant to talk in the server is just that I am in a decent amount and I can only spend so much time everywhere.

Robert (dark441)

by me its just i cant see png files or alt version of them in the dropbox, maybe you wanna use primeleap.net its works with patreon


Well, I don't use Discord, but it's not going to kill me to use it for the links. Might as well now some new people.


I've had discord forever, just never connected my accounts


I didn't even know there was a Discord server or that I had access from this tier. Is there a, uh...link? Not finding anything on it. EDIT: Nvm found it now, it just doesn't show up on this site's mobile version.


I barely use discord. I haven’t configured it to my liking yet and I’m not really inclined to do so TBH.


I just setup it. I keep forgetting about it honestly.