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WHEEL sketch/vote winner!


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Sasha is hot as always, but I like the glasses on Pyra. Those are hella hot.




puhhh Pyra is really hot. For the WHEEL please have a sexy picture of Pyra SFW, NSFW.


More pictures from PYra. Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaasseeeeeee

Robert (dark441)

cant wait to get the high res png files on dropbox <3

Robert (dark441)

in the dropbox how i can get the exta versions like the nude one of champagne at the beach , sry but i not know how to use psd


The high res stuff should be coming back up soon. Wednesday (next week) is the target date.


They are gorgeous Sasha💜 and Pyra❤️


Damn this stegostamp is not working, lately i got not loaded images and now Could not refresh tokens


When it says "could not refresh tokens" it usually means there is a problem with the cookie being expired. If you clear your cookies, then it should work after refreshing/reloading.

Zrath Smiley

Where's the actual web resolution image?


Click on the image and it should load it for you. We are working on the image delivery so it may die from time to time over the next few days.

Zrath Smiley

Ah, okay. The Stego thing was processing, but then a broken image icon appeared. How ya doin', by the way? It's been decades since we talked! :D

Zrath Smiley

Nah, I've never been to MFF. Though I heard good things about it. I think the last time I saw you was CFEast 1 or 2. I'm trying to find that DJ ZS t-shirt you airbrushed for me back then. It's in my storage unit somewhere with my other furry t-shirts.


I feel like i ran into you at a con recently, in the last couple of years. Or maybe I am just going senile.