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Not sure what else to say about this one :) Haven't drawn Pearl in a while so I went and did a nice monochrome shot of her doing what she does best with what she does it best with. Full uncensored stuff will be available to patrons here, and on SexyFur.com.




Hey JB, When will this be available to us?


Huh, I was under the impression after the first month then each subsequent image would be available to patreons. Didn't know that the images along with everything else would always come in art-packs at the end of each month. Can't you just do a Dropbox repository and throw updates in there as they happen for those who have paid?


People come and go, and edit their pledges. Impossible to tell who is who until the end of the month when stuff gets processed. It would be nice if Patreon did the charges right away but they don't. They charge in batches so the content has to go out in batches.