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Greetings, everyone. I’m normally not very good at expressing any sort of sentiment (blame it on my stoic upbringing), but I felt it necessary to tell all of you just how grateful I am that you support my creations. Without you, I would probably be stuck, burned out, feeding my creative energy to some grey-faced corporate cubicle boss with no appreciation of artistic beauty, and having to find a new job and relocate every development cycle in the ass end of nowhere that is the thankless video game industry. Patreon had their “thank your patrons” drive a few days ago but I am not a fan of bandwagon stuff like that, so today (when we’re supposed to reflect on the things we are thankful for!) please accept my genuine heartfelt thanks for all these years of your support, encouragement, and enjoyment of my stuff!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Nah, man. We thank you. Without people like you, money doesn't turn into the cool art we like to see. And, really, money is a necessity, it's about creation and you're the creator.


Gobble gobble


Hey JB, I have to say thank you as well. As a fan for nearly twenty years, starting as a broke high school student only able to afford subbing to Sexyfur once in a while, I tremendously appreciate not only your peerless art quality, but your unwavering dedication to your craft and to your fans. While other artists/campaigns/websites often fail to deliver on their promises and are surrounded by drama, you have consistently delivered and improved. Sticking with this for as long as you have is no small feat, and I think the entire community and all of us here would be in a far inferior position without you and your contributions. So truly, THANK YOU!


Thanks to all the good times with the sexyfur girls!