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Just doing my duty to make sure you folks are happy with what I am doing and what I do in the future. If you have the time, please let me know your thoughts on the following:

1. What things do you wish I drew more of?

2. What things do you wish I drew less of?

3. Is there anything you wish I did here, that I do not?

4. Is there anything that I do here, that you wish I did not?



Me personally I enjoy everything you post. Your art style is unique and I can recognize it immediately. But on a separate question, I'd this isn't allowed here, feel free to delete, but are you taking commissions?


you do a lot of single & duo pics, but not a lot of group pics. I realize that likely takes longer, but maybe once in a while? Regardless, I'm loving the art posts :)


1. Engrid 2.nothing 3.Engrid4 nothing


I agree; I enjoy everything you post though changing some things up would be good too! 1) Probably would say more art of older characters that haven't been seen as often. Would love to see a comic or animation done at some point. 2) Hmm this one is a little tricky. I personally don't feel like there is anything you should draw less of. 3) Honestly I would enjoy some kind of merger with your site for the content aspect. Like is there anything here that isn't there or vice versa? If so how could we get access to both etc. 4) So far, again, I like what I see. So nothing here that you shouldn't be drawing; then again it's all up to you to decide that


Not presently, still clearing out the current queue. The queue has been filling up purely via my mailing list lately, let me know if you would like to be added. That way you will be notified as soon as I open up for more.


Nothing I don't want to see and no complaints about how you running stuff here. I wonder if for 1 picture a month you should just do an artist's choice, drawing whatever you are feeling like drawing. Might keep the variety going in case the wheel decides to spin on a single style or character too much.


1. What things do you wish I drew more of? -Maybe newer characters having sex with newer cast of sexyfur girls :P 2. What things do you wish I drew less of? -Dildos and solos, every other artist like sakimichan does those around by the dozens 3. Is there anything you wish I did here, that I do not? -More channels in discord, a single general chat is hard to skim through important topics to jokeposting 4. Is there anything that I do here, that you wish I did not? -wheel, its an amazing style of patreon thing, but its a 'lottery' style award, people who supported months ago supporting dozens or hundreds may not get theirs done while a new guy who got lucky can get his monthly every time. Personally im ok with it since all the suggestions are fun and new and exciting, but im just speaking out of 'what if' situations


1) I love the slice of life sketches you do; even the ones not sexual in nature. It really helps make a character, not just a picture! 2) Honestly this is a personal thing but I've just never liked the succubus or demon bunny pictures. They aren't to my personal taste and I'd rather just see halloween themed pictures of the regular girls. I feel bad for even saying it, but its just a personal taste thing! 3) I feel like sometimes I see pics on your furaffinity that I don't see here, which makes chasing down your artwork a little more work than usual. Maybe I am wrong but I could swear I've seen stuff there thats not put on your patreon! 4) Fanfiction maybe? You could invite authors to submit some stories of your charactersand post them on their behalf.


1. I'm happy whenever I see your girls in thongs/g-strings. I'd like to see more of those! Also I'd like to see you draw the from below point of view. 2. I'd like to see less dildos! 3. I wish you'd make more desktop wallpapers. Those are always welcome. 4. Can't really think of anything for this one.


SFW variations, more landscape format pictures and or wallpaper versions of pictures.


1. Would be nice to see a bit of branching out in fetishes or smut content. It really does seem like a lot of the harder images do revolve around dildos, so maybe more exploring into what else there could be. I guess an example I could give is the Dawn x Cindy Mae image with the boob suck. That's still one of my favorite WHEEL pics to ever happen, and it shows as something that isn't seen a lot from you. I know there's only so many ways to go without divulging into insane fetishes, but I'd really like to see more branching out in that department. 2. Drew less of? Nothing really can come to mind there. Everything I can grow tired of is honestly brought on by other patrons and WHEEL picks. 3. Basically anything I say for what you could do could just be added on to the WHEEL. More wallpapers? WHEEL it. More ref sheets? Vote it. Obviously you can add the backgrounds and lore that was discussed in bringing in in the discord, though. Maybe we could see more of the SexyFur girls that just belong to the site itself now? Leslie & Bianca, Cindy Mae, Nile, etc. It would be nice to see more of them in addition to your characters. Though, actually, I would like to see voting boards made up of sketches that didn't make the board in the first place. (still clinging to hope to see Dawn x Cindy Mae colored, obviously) 4. Not really. A lot of things that pop up I don't really agree with, but that's not your fault. It's popular vote or the WHEEL that picks those things, and I can't really fault you for the opinions of others or random chance.


More desktop wallpaper versions of your pics please.

Bruce W

I like what you paint / offer. I definitely enjoy WHEEL STREAMS when I can make the stream (which is often). Would like to see more Holiday Wheels, where the theme is holiday constrained. Like a "bunny wheel" for Easter, where the gal has bunny ears on. Or if not an Easter Wheel then a Carnival Wheel, for fancy samba parade costumes.

Bruce W

The mug offerings this year were great by the way.

Robert (dark441)

more gunbunny <3 and more tentacles^^


More Widow solo and vaginal sex.


1. - 2. - 3.some gifs maybe?^^ 4. -


I would like to see more of your more obscure characters like Martini that you don't draw often. Other than that more otters and maybe some gifs if you want to animate, I can't think of anything else I would like to see and there isn't anything that you do that I don't want to see.


1- Demons, rodents, skunks, and vixens off the top of my head. But I may be a touch biased when it comes to those topics. Maybe more sketch streams? 2- ? 3- As other people have stated, maybe a gif every now'n then, depending on complexity and your time, of course. 4- All of the heretical MILFS popping up. ;P


1) Girls with fluffy tails and huge boobs like Dawn, Miami, Champagne etc. :3 2) Uhm, nothing since you dont draw stuff I dislike :D 3) no 4) no


Maybe an orgy picture with all the girls just going to town on eachother


1. Some re-drawing and updating of some of your older pics would be nice.

Tam Barlas

While I consider you more of a pin up artist, I enjoyed the succubus series. From the past I liked the seasonal pictures (example: the Dasher-Dancer Christmas series). I echo Jay Marks in requesting you update some older pictures - I like seeing how an artist's style changes.


I just wish you drew more.


I wish more SFW with NSFW option, so clothes that you can remove by Photoshop. And wallpaper formats "UltraWide" Otherwise, everything you draw exactly my taste is just awesome, unique!

Tomato Basket

1: I wish you drew a little more Champagne and Bondage. Both at the same time perhaps. 2: No real complaints of what you draw now. Although the ever-expanding lineup of girls is getting difficult to keep track of. 3: I like what you do. The wheel is great, and the other stuff you do is fun. It would be nice to have a wheel stream every Saturday/someday on a regular basis and use the rest of the week to do other things. Get into a fun routine, etc. But that is up to you. 4: I do not really have anything I dislike. I do think that you should keep the cast of characters small/ish. But that is my personal opinion.


I pretty much like all of your stuff. But if there was one thing i would like to see more of. Big booty bitches😎


1. I will never argue with more Sasha. In general though, your full-color works stand out most. 2. I like everything! 3. Since animation is on the high end for budget, more comics (like the Jessica/Xan one) would be awesome! 4. Nothing comes to mind.


1. I would wish u would draw more girls like u did in the past, not stuffed pussies with gaint oversized dildos, but natural spread legs hot dripping pussies with a nice view on or in their lovely parts a hot grin on their faces in a sexy position. 2. as long as u stay with the beautiful graphic u have, i like everything. 3. id love to see some girls animated in a sexy scene. and it would be awesome to draw some gloryhole stuff with creampies, or their butts sticking out of a wall in sexy ways. with your drawingstyle a gloryhole view from the asses of the girls here would be really great, would be something new but also very hot. 4. Actual no idea.


1) More humor. I like stuff with more of the girl's personality. 2) I'm not going to say I dislike toys, but I much prefer pictures with real cocks or just fingers. 3) Maybe a comic format. Also collaborations would be cool. Also I'm probably barking up the wrong tree but something MMF with some bi male representation would be great. 4) Noooope. You're good


I'm glad I'm not the only one thought this would be a good idea. We don't want JB burning out.lol


Somehow I missed this entire thread. Hmm... I'd like to see more 'candid' work with your characters, if you will. Pinups and porn poses come with the territory, but I have a taste for the more everyday stuff. In particular I'd like to see you delve into the Big Three's living arrangements. Stuff like that. There's nothing I can think of that I'd like to see less of. Beyond that? Animated gifs, webms, flash games. All of which require time and resources that may make them impractical-- the last two at least.


I'm happy with everything you do sir, the only thing that comes to mind is possibly making the images be able to be wallpapers like some people have mentioned, and the one that comes to mind is like how you did Orchid in the blue hoodie, otherwise thats all i can think of personally (^w^)b

Supreme Overlord Llama

1) I would like to see more Jesse, Engrid and silice. However it's more in the sense of it being more balanced in that different girls are being drawn all the time. Little bit more of more sexual acts. Dildos is normally the most hardcore thing being drawn, be nice to see something like blowjobs and actual fucking a bit more. 2) Not really less but like in point 1 just a better balance between different images or characters drawn. 3) Maybe a mini comic? Instead of voting for 3-4 different images we vote for some comic ideas you come up with that will be drawn for the whole month or 2. A few wallpaper images once in a while. 4) There is nothing that I don't really like, so no complaints.


Wouldn't mind seeing more options like this also more Sasha / Gunbunny and less anal play.


I know this is mega late but 1) engrid. Love her. Also more cum stuff and ass. 2) none 3) animations?