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Well, arrival in Chile has been a total shit show. Here is the situation: I arrived to find my apartment occupied. Basically, I rent it out when I am gone and trust a local agent to manage the airbnb and stuff. 

About a month ago I wrote them and asked if my place was available from x date to y date, and they said yes, they had blocked it out for me. So I got my plane tickets and planned around that. Well, they fucked up bigtime. There are people there until the 28th. So they put me up in one of their other available properties in the meantime.

Over the years I've set it up there so I can pack a change of clothes in my bag, toothbrush, and my laptops, and hop on a plane. So I did. All of the stuff I need to conduct general life and whatnot is locked up across town, so I'm a bit out of sorts. I'm living out of a duffel bag with 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants. Anyways, I think that in the remaining week of March, I should be able to finish up a couple more little closeup/detail pics and sink the final nails into the Champagne Grind project.

The internet sucks here and my dropbox stuff is all disconnected and disorganized so I'll try to get all the high-res stuff dealt with and sent out after I get back into my place on the 28th.



That royally sucks!


Rough. Hopefully you fired the agent because that's a royal fuckup. Grind is looking great though, will we get to see any butt stuff or is Grind more Playboy than Hustler?