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Ugh, I’ve been sick for a week now with really ugly shit that refuses to go away. Antibiotics and antisnot and anti this and anti that, I wake up in the morning with my eyes glued shut by slime, and what I think is probably the worst part, my back has been thrown out by all of the excessive coughing. It‘s really truly gross. Anyways that is my official excuse why I am behind on work. Please send your good mojo to defeat the booger demons.


Bruce W

Wishing you better times. Get well. Sketch us up a couple of "booger demons" sometime.


Here I got all excited thinking this was going to be a necro-furry concept of some sort ;)


3rd world country, 3rd world diseases. Will be awhile before you can build up an immunity to the local germs.


Be better! That is an order. We can w8. If you'll be in "worse condition" that just a thing to us,but if it (permant) that's not soo goood!! Love ya !


Hope you feel better soon!


Hope you defeat Mukor and get better J.B.