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It’s here. And it appears to work the exact same as Clip Studio does on other things. This is going to sell a lot of iPads. And, the coolest part, it’s FREE for 6 months. It is unclear whether it will be a subscription based fee or an outright purchase when that time period is over, but considering the PC software frequently sells for a discount price of $15, I cannot imagine it will be terribly expensive whatever route they take.

Performance-wise, it’s still not as fast as ProCreate, but it’s on par with Paintstorm (which is quite good until you get into massive brushes).

The only detriment I can think of is that with this sort of interface, you either need lots of windows open to access buttons, which will impede upon your workspace, or you will need a keyboard to go alongside it. I’ll play with it some more with a wireless keyboard and see how it goes. So far I’m impressed.



This is awesome! But now I regret getting the 10.5 instead of the 12.9 with that layout. I can't draw anyway, but I like to dream..