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I did a page review with the Patreon staff and it was not the punch in the face I had been expecting (and almost hoping for). They tell me I am doing things right, and have offered a few suggestions that I will be implementing over the next few days. No major changes, but definitely taking advantage of some new features that “should” make things easier for me and you. 

One of the things we discussed was removing the video tier and absorbing it into one of the other tiers (since it’s one of the least subscribed rewards), and adding higher tiers with limited reward count or limited participation. So, I have a few ideas here for you to vote on (based on what I believe I would have time for), and I’d also like you to tell me what you think would be good rewards you would like me to offer, or things other people are doing that you wish I did.

Here’s a detailed list:

Art tutoring/coaching: one-on-one sessions via skype or discord where we go through your art and I offer pointers, corrections, general assistance for improvement, or help learning software or drawing techniques. These will have to be limited for time and scheduling reasons.

Better video tutorials: Not just speedpaint videos but longer, narrated process videos where I talk you through what I am doing.

Bigger archives: Spend more on file storage space and bandwidth so I don’t have to keep clearing it out, you get more back-issue stuff.

Video blog stuff: Patreon is rolling out a new component soon for vlogging that will be really easy to use and have turnkey shoot/post, so I was thinking I could do some behind-the-scenes stuff on general life here and there if anyone is remotely interested.

Survival tutorials: Info, articles, videos, tips and advice for how to survive as an artist: how to deal with finances, investing, successful/productive workspace setup, etc.



((not useful but)) Voted ALL THE THINGS


I think there's lot of artists on Patreon providing similiarly to you, but to be blunt, the cheapest worthy tier is 7$ while many offer their entry plateu lower and provide scale from there.


Still good feedback. Where do you think the pricepoint should be?

Tygon Panthera

While not useful for me, not being an artist, the survival guide sounds like something incredibly useful for many who's talents go beyond painting miniatures. Myself, I'd love to see behind the scenes stuff :)


Generally my breakpoint so far was 5$... your art is of high quality so I went for it, but it was a tough choice and the fact that you give 3 months worth of work for one price might be detrimental... I could pay you 5$ every month and feel good about the price or pay 7$ every 3rd month to receive all your art.


It would be nice to have more of a backlog in the higher tier. I've been in the Conspiracy Tier for many moons and like that price point I just wish there was a bit more communication / content. Relevant vlogging would be a nice touch, by that I mean painter tutorials, playing around with your setup(s) to fine tune to be more comfortable etc. Not that we don't mind hearing about your travels and meals in some cases just would be nice to be a bit more relevant.

Lloyd Lucrezia

More video tutorials plz. Loved your head tutorial.

Bruce W

I've always felt $7 was a good lower-tier breakpoint. I have done that tier on some Patreons. At $7 I expect to at least see ALL the art, with at least a 1300 x 1300 resolution. Do not expect access to videos. Do not expect access to custom sketch requests. Do not expect access to .PSD Higher Tiers (above $7) that varies a lot by the artists' time-available.