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Working on the succubus pov pic. Fighting a bout with Chilean NoseFaucet Plague™, guzzling the green tea and vitamin C, watching Lelouch Lamperrouge Vi Britannia indirectly kill all his friends and hoping that Lady Kaguya is the next one to go because she’s supremely annoying.





Lol, Code Geass is legitimately my favorite anime of all time, very interested to see what you think of it when you finish. If Kaguya is the worst, who is best girl?


Kallen in bunny outfit is best girl but i am only halfway through season 2 so i dunno.


Though Nina needs to go, but i think she will just self-destruct at some point.


Kallen is a solid choice, though C.C. Won my heart in the end. Nina is a table humping loose cannon! She’s definitely my least favorite. Either way, now I know what my next wheel request is going to be- some sort of crossover with Kallen and C.C. Style cosplay from Sasha and Champagne. Bonus points for Lelouch using his Geass to get them to do something lol.


So you know how she's always eating Pizza Hut? In Japan it's their mascot, or was at the time. They call it cheese-kun, so its supposed to be a blob of cheese. The subtle joke is that she eats so much pizza because she can't get fat that she's collected a horde of them. Also excellent product placement lol.

Bruce W

Hugh Hefner has passed away. Is the great J Bernal going to do a Memorial Pic?


As fun as slave girl C.C. would be, nah. I'm probably thinking of her as she is at the end of the show, so I'll wait until you finish before I explain why. LMK when you finish because I'd love to know what you think of the show/how it ends.


OK I finished S2, and looking at how it went I am assuming that is the end, with CC riding off in the hay cart. The last few eps were a bit chaotic but really they didn’t have anywhere else to go but hit the eject button after Zero and his power were unmasked. Still, CC seems a bit of an empty character to me. Ancient and world weary but now with a sudden renewed interest in living? Unless maybe I am missing the entire point of it and she just got off on the whole chaos thing seeing as she is immortal and bored? Maybe I am also missing stuff since I watched the English dub and a lot of that stuff is lost in translation.