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I'm off to a good start with the Succubus project. More pages to come. I'm guessing it will be 15-20 pages in total.

New poll is up, please make your votes for the next color pic.

I did the best hurricane prep I could do managing remotely from so far away; I have faith that the building will be OK since it is literally a bunker. The car is safely stored away but the motorcycle and the boat, I am making peace with the idea that they may be completely lost and there is nothing that can be done about it.

I am heading out on Monday for a short vacation on Easter Island, will be back on the 14th. Maybe I'll have some time to start learning the animation software I told myself I would learn like 2 months ago, and make the Dawnimation™ :)

Art forecast for this month is 2 color pieces and a handful more Succubus pages.



Have a great trip!


Bit late to the post was dealing with the hurricane as well because I was in central Florida 😢 but any idea of maybe making a book of your succubus guide? Or simply digital like always? I dunno why but I feel like it would be neat to have a legit booklet of this haha.. but I'm weird like that.. great work so far though ✌✌