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(I plan to make margin notes and sketches, etc to go along with this narrative, so let me know in comments if there are any questions I should answer, things you think I should change, or aspects of Succubus design or lore I should add)

Notes and musings on succubi

as transcribed by Bernal, Scribe of the Order of Himeros.

These pages are an excerpt from the notebook of Great Mage Anathas (1311-1665 C.E.), Master Summoner of the Dark Arts, Butcher of Pikeville, and Scourge of the Southern Continent, who, at his prime, was said to have a loyal harem of at least six high-ranking succubi (and all their attendants, peasants, and indentured servants) at his beck and call. It was believed that through his manipulative wits, dark magicks, and the harvested life force from his harem, he conquered mortality itself and upon his disappearance at the age of 354, infiltrated the demonic hierarchy itself and became a legitimized lord of the Hellish Realms.


Succubi were once the eyes and ears of the dark magi and necromancers; their abilities to transition between aethereal planes (ie: vanish from sight), mimicry through alteration of corporeal form, and innate talents for seducing information from men, made them excellent spies. The caveat, however, came in the fact that they simply cannot be trusted; what little moral compass they may possess is easily swayed by shiny objects, tiny shreds of power, revenge, or all of the above, and there is no knowing when (not if) they will turn on their summoner simply out of spite. Whoever coined the phrase, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” has clearly never dealt with a succubus.

For these reasons, consensus was that the risks involved with summoning them outweigh the benefits; the practice of summoning them, as well as demonology in general, has fallen out of favor (especially after the Hellish Uprising of 1132 C.E.) and atrophied for centuries.

And so, one day, out of boredom, wishing to pay back a grudge against an old colleague, and, I must admit, a bad case of spring fever, I dusted off the old neglected tomes of my order and got to work…

As the Rites of Kaotikus correctly state, the summoning circle for sentient, erudite, or wise demonic entities must include an extra set of planar loci; in this case the simple pentagram will not suffice. You must use a six-pointed hexagram instead. See drawing. A double outer circle of salts (make sure not to smudge it if/when stepping across) is recommended for better protection against unwanted extras hitching a ride across the planar rift. Avoid magnesite salts as they have the potential to combust and will therefore cause the circle of protection to fail. Any demonic familiars, if accidentally summoned, will remain contained in the circle while you send them back or exorcise them.

At minimum a chained collar will be required to properly bind the succubus in place; it must be forged or plated with an alloy containing antimony, in order to resist the alchemical magicks which will surely be used in attempts to break out of it.

For the purpose of my first experiment, and out of expedience, I decided on a solid collar as the best option. A design with four bolt eyes is ideal; two on the sides for binding chains and two front-and-back for attaching leashes. Hitch the chains securely to a structural beam in the wall or floor, always using two chains so that it can be safely moved without leaving the captive unbound. Removable shackles should hold fast against escape by using simple charms of immobility (provided they are also made of antimony alloys or the succubus may be able to undo the charm); refer to Rubin’s Locks and Lockpicking Magicks for more information. Make sure the chain will not interfere with the salts in your circle of protection, at least until the summoning is finished and there is no sign of unwanted guests.

Placement of the collar within the summoning circle is largely unimportant so long as it is generally in the center and the collar has been cursed. It will find its own rightful place (or she will) as the aether coalesces. For proper infusion of cursed and magickal collars specific to demonic capture, consult the tomes of Arkanides volume 3. Do not attempt this ritual without a properly cursed magickal collar. Do NOT use blessed collars— you have been warned.

Some mages have argued exhaustively on the use of manacles and anklets but over time (and as much as I hate to agree with the minimalist notes of Virtuz and Volitz) I have found them largely unnecessary. Once the shock of summoning wears off and a bonded succubus trusts that she is not going to be killed or exorcised, she can usually be reasoned with (once again, don’t take shortcuts with blessed collars!). There are, as always, exceptions to the rule, so be prepared to send unruly ones back from whence they came.

Arm yourself beforehand with a nasal salve or mask to guard the nose against their natural perfume. In time you will become accustomed and immune to it as you do any scent. However, at first, if you allow yourself to become swayed by it at first contact… it was good knowing you. Virtuz and Volitz’ notes hold a recipe for a salve that (it pains me to admit) does indeed work.

According to The Dark Arts of the Ages by Oscuridae, a bowl or chalice of semen was traditionally required in the summoning ritual. As usual, Virtuz and Volitz argued for cutting corners and omitting it completely. True, it is not a required component in the spell, however— I decided to include it anyways. 

What happened next was quite impressive: the aethers coalesced quite rapidly, in fact more rapidly than any previous summoning I had cast. And the succubus I pulled through the planes was called to it like a bee to nectar. Upon her materialization she became so distracted by its scent that she barely noticed the shock of planar transition. She drank of it ravenously, and in no time, quite literally became intoxicated by it. I would find that succubi cannot resist the male seed once extracted (something about the sight, the scent, and the airborne vapours), and feeding it to them makes them pacified, pliable, and much more open to the power of suggestion. My advice: keep it warm. Cold will do, in a pinch, but when it is warm, it seems to have an extra-potent effect.

Over time, I found it was possible to addict a bound succubus to her master’s seed. And this, here, is the goal which I was striving towards: could they be brought into loyal bondage and trusted servitude? To do so would guarantee both her cooperation and the preservation of her master’s life essence.

Warning: Do not attempt to feed her fresh from the source or make genital contact (if you value your life) until you read my notes on the care and feeding of your succubus.

Normally the succubus will, after being plied with a drink of your male humour, relax right into her chains. She may become startled once she notices her bound state, but her aperitif will ensure that collar and chains are not the first thing she notices. Give her a moment to settle into her new reality. As your warmth slides down her throat, witness the miraculous change she makes from murderous beast to demure pet. A semen-intoxicated succubus rarely rages against captivity; all but the most ferocious will settle down and accept their fate. If they remain unruly, simply reverse the summon and dispel them.

(note: if you think this reaction spectacular, it pales in comparison to the wanton, lustful abandon they exhibit when inseminated directly)

This moment is the time you should strike your bargain (advice on making deals with devils bedamned) and explain to her that she is not in danger. You will find her receptive, albeit distracted. Perhaps half the time, I find that I must physically intervene to keep their mind on task and stop them from touching themselves, which can be a unique, rewarding game all its own. If she remains “inconsolable”, consider letting her tend to herself until she comes down from the high. I have yet to suffer injury helping speed the process along, even with those that feigned resistance at first. They may howl and snap and snarl but they will be purring in short order.

The copious volumes of dew they produce, even if only mildly aroused, has no special magickal or physical properties that I have found, other than to lubricate for penetration. It does emit a pleasant musk that I (and they) find difficult to resist. Make sure to have linens on hand to keep your summoning circle clean, especially if you catch a ravenous one.

The kiss of a succubus, while intoxicating for both the succubus and the “victim” will not, despite popular belief, transfer life essence. Only through penetration: oral, vaginal, or anal, can this energy be transferred, the bulk of which occurs during climax.

The bite of a succubus contains a paralyzing venom, injected through her fangs, which fills a man head to toe with such euphoria that it cannot be explained in mere words. This venom can be milked in the same fashion as with snakes, and stored for medicinal or …recreational use.

Succubi may lactate, though this is not governed by pregnancy as they cannot sexually reproduce. Consuming the milk of a succubus does provide some mild euphoric sensation, but is nowhere as potent as her venom.

Understand and provide the needs of the succubus and they will provide for you. Behold, their needs are simple: to feed on the sexual energy of men. Transferred in the act of sex through genital contact, it nourishes, pleasures, and heals them all at the same time. They in turn pass a portion of that (referred to as a tithe— their own word, not mine) up their dark hierarchy to vassals, barons, lords, and so on, in a systematic, demonic orgy of domination and submission that would make whores blush. The higher they rank, the less frequently they are called upon to offer up their tithes. If they fail to show when their tithe bell rings in the hellish realms, however, their rank also determines the rank of the superior who may come looking for them. I speak from experience when I say you do not want infernal demon lords or angry succubus mistresses showing up unannounced at your doorstep. Keep this in mind when selecting your ideal captive.

Rank is usually signified by the ferocity of their adornments; the lowest ranks are not allowed clothing of any kind, their horns are shaved to nubs, and their brands are the simplest. Higher ranks are permitted chains, spikes, piercings, and longer horns. Some even carry weapons. As they rise in the ranks, their brands are embellished with tattoos or ritual scars. Even the highest ranks, though, are forced to wear blunt caps on the tips of their horns; for this reason it is believed that the sharpened horn of a succubus is one of the few things that can permanently kill a greater demon.

Thoroughly understand the peril you potentially face— any part of this, if not anticipated, can end your life in an instant.

Free succubi normally tend to their mortal flock, taking a drop here and there, so as to maintain a long-term supply of game on which to feed. However, they have nothing barring them from draining someone dry and leaving the shattered husk of their corpse behind, as often happens in large populations of cities and such, where there are ample replacements and the odd man gone missing will not cause social unrest. Do NOT underestimate their dangerous powers.

Magical bindings will motivate them towards caution: if they have not recently fornicated, they risk starvation and dissolution if they kill the summoner and cannot break the magick of his chains.

So the grand question of them all: how do I keep a succubus in bondage without losing my life?

Feed her. Not directly, but indirectly at first. She does not need much to stay alive in corporeal form, and what little life essence is contained in your semen will suffice to keep her satiated, at least magickally, for the time being. Simply and inelegantly put: masturbate and ejaculate on her face for the first few feedings. She won’t mind, and in fact she may very well encourage it. As the successive highs fade and her boredom makes way to curiosity, she will become more interested in you, will begin asking you for more, and you can start getting to know each other more intimately.

Warning: DO NOT under any circumstance allow direct contact with her mouth or other erogenous zones during this time as she may kill you. Be assured, as friendly as she may seem, it is the nature of the beast and she is definitely considering burning your life force to break her chains.

If you wish to escalate physical contact, try fucking her between the tits, or have her manually pleasure you (keep your member well out of reach of her mouth and hips). Don’t worry, so long as she can’t get you inside her, she still wants to feed as much as possible to save her energy for your inevitable demise.

As I studied various succubi, I noticed a pattern in their gasps, their sighs, their breathing in general during sexual contact and came to a hypothesis that it must have something to do with the way they capture our life energies. Succubi, while not entirely undead, do cross into the same diagram, as it were, with wights and vampires, and technically do not need to breathe at all. As with mortals, the closer to sexual climax they get, the tighter and more controlled their breathing (and vice versa). As I found, they are literally breathing in our life essence, but their magick requires it to first be released sexually. 

When a succubus leans in close and partakes of your scent, she is not just engaging in flirtatious behavior; she is tasting your life force. When she drops her sweat-soaked forehead into your shoulder and her hot, panting breath is beating into your neck, it is not her catching her breath. She is feeding on you. Don’t let her do this until WAY down the road when you are sure you can trust her.

Testing this hypothesis was simple enough and fell in line with the occasional rough treatment they endure (and crave, as I would find) in the Hellish Realms… Choke them. With your hand, with their collar, with your cock, what matters is that you control what and how they can take from your life energy in a way that benefits you both.

She may struggle at first but remember that succubi feed on our pleasure. After all, this cannot truly harm her and she will still get something she wants from it. But be warned— when escalating your behavior from external gratification to full penetration you must be very careful to keep your head about you. So many things are in play and if you are caught off guard at any moment, you are dead.

I recommend starting orally first. What little life force is shed at the beginning during foreplay is not worth mentioning; it is when things are in full force, her head bobbing up and down on you, her drool running down your balls, that you need to take control and maintain it. 

Try not to lose focus; by this time the sounds she will be making, the smell of her perfume, and the growing puddle between her thighs will all have you raging.

Grab her by the hair, the leash, whatever you can to secure her head (use both hands) and grind her down onto you. Her throat will loosen and allow her to swallow you all the way in; succubi are made to alter form and become physically accommodating to their host organism. 

Gagging her with your cock is the point; if she cannot breathe when you climax (or when she climaxes— be extra careful of this, as some will cum solely from being used orally), she cannot steal your life force. She still feeds on your seed and whatever residual sex magick is in the air, and you both win.

It is this nonzero sum game that you must continue to force her to play, until she submits completely to you.

Likewise, when penetrating her vaginally or anally, if she is not yet in a state worthy of trust, make sure to yank that collar extra tight when either of you begin to climax.

It is perfectly safe to allow her to drink the seed from your cock after orgasm. I guarantee you will both enjoy it.

After a week or two of growing trust, you will more likely than not encounter a situation where you are simultaneously howling in mindbending climax, and when you both come out of the fog, both parties are surprised that you are not dead because you forgot to choke her, and she forgot to notice. It is at this point that you can strengthen the contract with your succubus and negotiate her new reality as your bonded servant. Clarify the terms of the nonzero game. Make sure she understands that the feedings and pleasure will continue and that you do not wish to or need to end as a single entree.

The key to binding them to you long-term lies in their predilections for addiction and habit. Yes, a succubus needs only sexual energy to endure, but there are other factors in play which you may take advantage of…

Comfort and familiarity: These do not exist in the twisted and chaotic Hellish Realms. This is why no mortal who escapes them comes back with their sanity in tow. Keeping a succubus comfortable in the Corporeal Realm may seem alien to her at first but she will settle into it and not want to let it go. Succubi created from corrupted mortals will appreciate this much more than those who were hellforged. At worst, the hedonistic pleasure from the feel and texture of comfortable goods (lingerie, corsets, fine sheets and bedding; I have never met a succubus who wasn’t a complete sucker for shoes) will strengthen their longing for more. At best, the potential for loss of these comforts will keep them in check. Succubi thrive on feeling superior to their underlings. Take advantage and play on this. But don’t let them get too comfortable— keep their collars tight, leashes taut, and be prepared to remind them once in a while who their Master is.

Regular feeding: For a succubus to find and seduce random prey, deserves no mention of effort involved; it is what they are built for. They don’t even have to try. It is, however, a great expense for them to transit from noncorporeal to corporeal form and back again, as necessary, to make their rounds. This exhausting routine becomes less necessary for higher ranked succubi who receive regular tithes from their underlings, but none of them enjoy the transit no matter how powerful they are. To give them regular feedings without the need for the day-in-day-out shredding of reality is a vacation from a painful routine. You are, in essence, giving them sanctuary from both the Hellish Realms and the Corporeal Realms. Provided, of course, that you don’t go parading them around in public. That will make for poor public relations and tends to bring the torches and pitchforks to your door (again, I speak from experience; for further information look up the history of Pikeville).

Routine: Succubi are creatures of routine and habit. They are also lazy and hedonistic. Once they become reliant on regular doses of your seed, that sourced from others will fail to satisfy and their motive for abandonment and betrayal will diminish, thereby ensuring that they do not “kill the goose that laid the golden egg.” Your mortal coil will remain safe. 

A properly dominated and bonded succubus will feed on only what she needs to survive, and provide her master with pleasures and services you may both take advantage of.

I have found that the best solution for long term servitude is to have your captive appoint an envoy from their own subjects, who then becomes the tithe carrier. I also speak from experience when I say you won’t be complaining about two (or more) succubi in your bed, either as participants or decorations, when the tithes are transferred.

The most devious, vile, and backhanded part of this entire process is that once you reach this point in building your harem of succubi, you do not even need to transfer your life essence to them; they can get all they need from their underlings with plenty to spare, and will remain satisfied solely on your physical offerings! It feels like the greatest scam of the ages but I manage to lull myself to sleep at night on a bed made of tits and ass.

I have been working on, with cooperation from my harem, ways to transfer their tithe unto myself. So far results are inconclusive…

Random notes:

Note: Interfering in the ways of demons is not to be taken lightly. Make as few ripples in the pond as you can, and most of the time it will go completely unnoticed.

Succubi can simply come into being in the demonic planes, or they can be made by corrupting mortals. Similar to vampirism, a mortal soul, susceptible and exposed to enough demonic influence, may stray across into the dark realms and become one of them.

What determines rank within the hierarchy is unknown. There is clear bias against mortal sources though some exceptions have been found. 



I felt like I was reading something out of The Witcher books. Well done.


Cool, we will see more succubus soon?