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I still have the Anita/Beth "morning after" sketch to do, and then I will need to do a bunch of WHEEL sketches to refill the vote list.

Honestly I am surprised I was able to get my standard quota of 4 full color illustrations done in June, what with the moving twice in a single month, which meant pretty much constantly lugging boxes and furniture back and forth the entire time. The iPad Pro was what saved me, letting me fill in idle time anywhere. It really is an awesome tool.

My move (back) is finished but I am leaving for Chile again on the 8th. No rest for the wicked. This week is rather full of miscellaneous holiday stuff over the next few days and a whole pile of life crap to deal with before I escape the heat of the North for winter in the Southern Hemisphere. 

I'll try to get some sketching done this week but if I don't manage, there will be 12 hours of planes and airports where boob sketches are much preferable to sitting around waiting to be shuttled across the planet in another plague-filled flying aluminum coffin.

Somewhere in there, I will try to get the Dawnimation made, software permitting-- I was selected for the next version of ProCreate beta, which required me to set up IOS 11 beta, neither of which are officially ready for prime time yet. Sooooooo we shall see what happens there. Hopefully I can convince them to put in the sorely-needed click-and-drag brush resize.