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Well, I'd sure want him to be the... sword in my soul  ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

You voted and you got him: Kumatetsu is the Patreon Special Pinup of this month! For this one I tried to stay away from my usual painting techniques and approch this with a simple linear style, much closer to the anime... And it was surprisingly really hard!  

I hope you appreciate this artwork which, as usual, will be visible just for you Patrons for a whole month! Thanks a lot for your support 💖




You executed this very well ❤️ I do prefer your usual style tho. It’s more distinct :3


Thank you! Yeah I agree, this was more of a one-shot kinda thing to try some anime style, LOL


I think you came (no pun intended) very close to the anime style. I'd say it's a good mix of your style and the anime style. I really like it and it's nice to see you experimenting from time to time. You also nailed the design of Kumatetsu, not only in terms of looks, you also gave him the sweet cocky attitude from the movie. I love his strong arms and chest, certainly very hot, even if probably a bit enhanced by your hand, not that I mind. ;) Always nice to see him improving his "sword technique", hehe, I don't regret seeing the choice of your other patreons for him.


thank you so much! Yeah it was definitely a nice break from my usual painterly style :) Always loved this character!