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Hey friends, hey patrons! How are you, getting in the Holiday spirit yet?

I've been thinking about lots of stuff lately, especially about my artist's path and my presence on Patreon. I just wanted to put it out here 🤔

When I launched this page, years ago, I imagined it to be a cool platform to keep my motivation up, to push myself being more experimental and artistic. It's not easy to cope with the commissions business and I often felt stuck into repetition... Sure it paid my bills, but my creative batteries were running low. Being here boosted my energies and I am so very grateful for all your support over the years! Fact is, though, things have been stalling for a while now: those feeling or boredom and annoyance building up again. The Gold tier isn't working, the Platinum tier is ending up just being another way for me to get commissions and it's not what it's meant for. It's a bit scary and I don't wanna risk an art-block or whatever, so it's time to spice things up again! 

This is what I came up with, starting off January 2022. First of all, I'll try to push myself and post least one drawing per week: a sketch, a doodle, a full illustration? Anything goes, but it's something dedicated to all my Patrons. Secondly, all the tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum) will all be cancelled and new one will be introduced:

  • Lurker (1€/month): unlocks all the visual contents; streaming notifications
  • Fan (2€/month): all above benefits, plus ArtPoll to pick the protagonist of each month's PSP (Patreon Special Pinup). This exclusive illustration will be available to Patrons with 1 month early access!
  • Scout (5€/month): all above benefits, plus weekly downloadable PSD files
  • Month's Model (70€/month): all above benefits, plus the reward of a single character, full-painted illustration. You can pick the rating (General; Mature; Adult) and provide an indication for the general action (ie: doing pushups; sitting and drinking wine; etc.), but the specific pose and angle is up to me. No background is included and the clothing and accessories, if present, will be kept as simple as possible. This pledge is una tantum, meaning each Patreon profile will be able to take it just once, no exceptions. Hopefully this will help in providing variety in subjects and will also give everyone the chance to get an artwork from me, at less than half the price of a normal commission.

Summing it up: my page will be very active and will provide, each month

  • 3 random pictures/doodles (one per week)
  • 4 downloadable PSD files
  • 1 PSP (Patreon Special Pinup)
  • 1 Month's Model pinup

I think this will be a nice change for me and my creativity and I will offer a fun page to follow over here. Please let me know your thoughts about this whole change!

Thanks everyone for your support!



I think this is a really good direction for you! Can’t wait to see what stems from this. :)


These changes look really promising! I hope they help bring up your spirits again! ❤️


Thanks! I hope it's gonna be a change for the best :D