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'Sup awesome people? I've been missing for quite a while on here.

June is the month dedicated to Pride and... Well. It has been a hard month.

As an activist for LGBT rights, a gay person and a human being, I can't help but feel angry, ashamed, sad, confused about what happened in Orlando. This is insane. I've been searching for days for the right words. I didn't find them.

I just wanted to share a thought to the victims and... I know, this is nothing. This wont give those lives back. I can't say this is a prayer: my faith is so twisted. I want this to be a personal manifesto for myself: to stay strong. I choose Violet, the color of the Spirit, because this is how I want to be on Saturday, here in my town, at the local Pride. I'll rise my head up and walk in the streets, with thousands of other friends, to prove the world we do exist. Out & Proud! Even more fabulous!

For Orlando and for all the lives blown away by stupidity, hate, ignorance.
We will win.



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