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Hey folks! So, I've been checking on the results on my latest poll - thank you all so much for taking a moment to vote on there! - and it seems like a lot of you wanted to see something more personal and not just related to Gold Patrons rewards... So here we go!I just couldn't resist and had to draw a little fanart of Gregg & Angus from the indie game Night in the woods: they are the cutest couple!

I am super sure about Angus being a bear, but while drawing Gregg I had to wonder: is he a coyote? In some frames he looks very orange so I almost believed he was a fox but missed all the markings and... I think he is a coyote, right? LOL

Anyways, thank you so much for supporting me and I hope you like this little fanart!




Cute artwork ^^

Anthem Smiles

Ahhh memories, good seeing nice renditions of these too. Yeah your right, hes a fox and hes a bear. Needless to say they are an interesting yin and yang of a couple.