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Howdy folks, and welcome to another PSD file sharing day! :)

For this sharing I've selected another colored commission for pepsi (AKA brutus17 ) starring Kirk Vinson, his Blonde d'Aquitaine Bull character. He's a big gentle giant, with a soft wash of cream colored fur and dazzling blue eyes!

Bonus! You get both versions... in the same file! ??

I tried to be tidy this time and re-arranged all layers in two groups. You can stroll in between those if you're curious to see what has changed from a version to another! As usual, thank you so much for supporting and I'll see you on the next one! Byebye! :)




Hey Rov, it comes through as a blank screen on my laptop, and on my phone? Any tips? Other psd files work fine. Thanks :-)


Oh hey! Uhm, you mean the file is blank? There should be just the BG visible once you open it, then you can change visibility of other layers by clicking on them?


welp, i feel like a fool. I needed to download photoshop 1st to fully view the files. its pretty cool to tinker with it and see the different shades and layers in-between :)


Eheh yeah, all the PSD files I post on here are showing all those layers, but you must use Photoshop in order to open them properly :)