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- Oh shit!
- Dude, again...? What is it now?
- I heard something over there!
- Listen bro, it's not like I don't believe you but first you got scared the shit out by a falling leaf, then a bird and... I mean, chill out!
- M-maybe it's just my imagination, uh?
- Yeah sure, it's probably the wind or something.
- Some... Thing? Something like what?
- It's like saying "nothing"!
- But you said "something"!
- I know but... Oh come on, don't you know the sayin'...?
- What? No, which one?
- Guess: how many skeptics it takes to meet a ghost?
- J??????????u????s??????t?????????? ??????o?????????n??????e????????.??????

Patreon reward for Nogard Krad, thanx for supporting me and... Happy Halloween, with a little anticipation! :p



