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Hello there!
I'm finishing the Sunni Gummi - Princess Calla painting  from the Gummi Bears, and then I'll be working on the Catwoman/Black Cat  painting, with two versions and a flash interactive and the PinUp  Military girl for Wartide Card Game.
I'm also contacting with clients in my waiting list to start new commissions.
I'll also be uploading my personal painting Xana soon, it's almost finished.

I'm  still with vertigo, taking medicine and going to the physiotherapist,  it seems my vertigo is because of my neck pain, which is due to because  of the contracture I had on my shoulder, which is due to the time I had  my arm immobilized because the tendonitis on my right wrist. To sum it  up, I'm still dealing with consequences from an injury I had 2 years ago  when I was working at a restaurant.

So I'm trying to take things  easy, taking LOT of breaks while painting, and doing my exercises. Hope  to get well soon, I really wish I could spend more time painting 



I hope you get well soon. Not only for your well being, but to such a great artist produce more wonderful art :)


Thanks so much! I went again to the doctor, and she changed my medication, and gave me a new appointment to a medical specialist. Hope things get better :)