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Hello there everyone! Gosh, August went by and we're already approaching September!

As mentioned in the previous month, I was off for a hiatus for a week and a half at the start of August due to family and personal issues. Things have only kicked back up around near the middle of August, but half of it was also consumed by furry con preparations for Eurofurence happening this weekend through next week! Not to worry though, there's still some previews I'd like to share of what I was able to do here and there. <3

Let's get to some updates then! Bit of modding from what some of you have already seen, and some bits for RPG and upcoming animation!


BG3 Beefier Dragonborn & Half-Orcs!

Some of you may already have seen these up on twitter of me experimenting on modding the recently released game Baldur's Gate 3! I made a quick beefed up Dragonborn mod, and released a preview of it for free on Nexus Mods! It features a beefier body base, along with thicker tails, larger bits, two equipment refitted to the body type.

A few requests for a beefier Half-Orc mod was also being thrown towards me, while I also wanted to already do something for them since I wanted Half-Orcs to also get some beefy love! Here's a quick look, more changes to be done later next month or so though!


Upcoming Animation!

Is he finally animating some more knotting action?!
Why yes, yes I am :) this will be a rendered upcoming animation in the works and I also intend to use as a test for my RPG later! For now, enjoy this still frame for what's to come <3


Boof RPG - Environmental Updates

Due to limited time I had not invested much heavy work on the RPG for this month. However, I've taken a look at something a bit simpler and wanted to push the feel of the sky and clouds a bit more - and ultimately, this is where it is now! They're animated, and the shapes feel very fluffy and dramatic. Have a gander of how they're looking:

That's all for this month, the other tier rewards will be up shortly!

Stay boofy and thank you for your kind support as always!
Werethrope <3




The environmental shots with the skyboxes are so hypnotizing.