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Hey all! As mentioned in the previous post, here you get to comment on things you'd be interested to see, suggest ideas and concepts, or perhaps event comment on what you enjoy seeing so far from the prototype previews of the RPG!


Suggest ideas in the comments!

Same as last month, please feel free to comment! I am open to ideas, it's great for inspiration - of course, I won't be able to do all of them, goes without saying that it'll be matter of picking and choosing things that are applicable/acceptable to consider for the project :) I've taken note of the big set of suggestions in the previous month, and will continue to do so where I can!

Available Player Character Species?

A big one I'd like to ask of you all would be for Character Creation! What species would you be keen to have? Anything specific? While I may not prefer to make "hybrid sliders" because it can be a bit too complicated for my personal experience inn coding, perhaps you would like to still suggest very specific hybrids still? :)

So far, we have; Wolf, Dog, Ram, Deer, Bull, Dragon, Shark, Bird, Croc, Lion, Cat, and Bear!

Let me here your thoughts! <3


That's all for this post, and thank you in advance for your feedback, I look forward to progress the project more with you all supporting it! <3

Werethrope <3




i hazard to say, Whagon uwu


Depending on your game's setting, you could play around with a robotic species (ex: Protogen). Might be fun to code up the tech aspects.


Next idea is a Demon, but that might be a bit too open ended. Maybe a skull for a mask/head, or glowy fiery parts. Horns are always fun imho




I figure that something too robotic may not fit the setting/style I'm going for, but that's something I can revisit in the future to tune it more to the aesthetic of the world instead of having it abruptly too modern-looking. Demons are good shout! I'd definitely be down to design a demon race :)


Very true, don't think I've got horse written down as possible species! Thank you for this! :)


More twinky bodytypes!

