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Hey everyone! I hope you all have had a great October and enjoyed your Halloween! :9 What did you get to do for Halloween?

I've got a couple of updates for you, some sketches I've done, along with previews of the new RPG project I'm currently prototyping! I hope you enjoy these updates!


Sketch WIPs

There are two sketch WIPs, you can find them in attachments! The first one will be an upcoming full illustration, available download and HD wallpaper version will be made available for the HD tier upon completion!


BoofRPG (Working Title)

Some of you may have been seeing some works in progress I've been sharing already, but here's a couple of previews and more detail about what I've been making for the game! :)

Combat! - This is something I'm still actively working on and tweaking to get things to feel good! Right now it still feels extremely janky. I reckon this would be the part I work on the most out of all on what's to come! I have quite a lot of ideas around this, from melee combat, to magic, ranged, and so on. I would elaborate more, but this part is still highly experimental and I'm a huge fan of soulslike / KH kind of games myself! So you'll see some very close references to them in these previews. :)

Movement Abilities?! - This is the fun stuff! Allowing your character to walk, sprint, jump, double jump, and most fun, dashing and air dashing!

CLIMBING??! - I loved being able to climb just anything in BotW, so I thought huh, wouldn't it be fun to be able to climb as a big hulking werewolf (or really, what your choice as a player would be to play as, maybe? ;) a tease!) But really, this is something I'm also still considering and still playing around with!

Dialogue & Story! - Some of you may recall a certain few mockups I've done of this screen a while back, and I've been ITCHING to get this style of UI going for my own game one day, and here we are! There will be story, interactions with characters, a relationship system is still being experimented on, and...

Questing! - A simple little quest log and system for you adventurers to carry around with you! Can't go adventuring without your trusty ol' adventurer's journal log to keep all those quests! :)

Now, on top of all that, there are also characters already being 3D modeled from scratch - and they will be heading into the RPG universe themselves soon! Here they are, a work in progress still!;


That's mainly it! I'm excited to share all of these with you, and more to come further down the road!

Post for RPG suggestions + unseen WIPs, Illustrations & Renders release, and HD Wallpapers will be up shortly too, for those who are waiting for those tiers' posts. :)

Cheers, and again, Happy Boofoween!
Werethrope <3




It's like Christmas in Halloween 🎃


Look forward to seeing it realized! Also, would be awesome if the perma-erection is an actual feature~ Are there any lore explanations for it?