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Here's this week's Early Bird Reward story. Enjoy!



Melody heard the sound of thundering footsteps coming up the sidewalk behind her and sighed internally. Of course it would have to be Jenna taking the bus to class the same day Melody's car broke down--she didn't even need to turn around to know who it was, she'd recognize the sound of those clomping steel-toed boots from a hundred yards away. Fucking Jenna. Fucking weird Jenna. Fucking Jenna who actually thought that everyone going around calling her "Weird Jenna" was a compliment, fucking Jenna who wanted so badly to be a pale consumptive goth even though her pudgy cheeks got all red and shiny any time she had to run more than twenty steps at a time, fucking creepy 'found objects artist' Jenna, fucking pervy lesbo Jenna who somehow thought she was hiding the crush she had on practically every woman on campus. Fucking Jenna.

 Fucking Jenna who had a massive semester-long group project with Melody that was forty percent of their final grade. That fucking Jenna. Melody turned around, a bright plastic smile on her face, just as Jenna shouted, "Hi, hey, hi Melody, I made you something!" on the final hundred feet of her clomping approach to the bus stop. Even though there was nobody else there, even though there was barely any traffic at this time of the morning by car or on foot, Melody winced at the over-exuberant display. It was just so... so fucking Jenna of her to have exactly zero chill about anything, least of all their extremely one-sided friendship of the last few weeks.

 But because Melody's grade and her scholarship and her whole college career relied on socially engineering her relationship with Weird Jenna for another two months, Melody kept her thin lips frozen in that same pursed, polite smile that she just knew the chubby awkward brunette couldn't tell from genuine interest and said, "Oh, really? What is it?" in a tone of forced, overly cheerful interest that dripped with barely concealed condescension. Then waited for Jenna to catch her breath because of course she was panting and sweating like she just ran the entire ten blocks from her apartment.

 When she could finally speak again, Jenna reached into her messenger bag and brought out a small object wrapped carefully in multiple layers of crinkly tissue paper. "It's an effigy," she said, her voice hushed and reverent and so unbearably fucking pretentious that it was all Melody could do not to roll her cornflower blue eyes in disdain. Fucking, fucking Jenna. What Melody wouldn't do to be absolutely anywhere but here this morning.

 But she was stuck with her for at least another fifteen minutes until the bus arrived, and it wasn't like they could pass the whole time in icy silence as much as Melody wished otherwise, so she feigned interest as Jenna unwrapped the layers of tissue paper to reveal a tiny doll made out of scraps of fabric and bits of fluff and what looked disturbingly like actual human hair. A doll that Melody was disturbed to realize looked just like her. "An effigy," she repeated, barely managing to disguise her horror as confusion. "As in, 'burn you in'....?"

 But Jenna looked genuinely mortified by the insinuation. "Oh, no, no, nothing like that!" she exclaimed, carefully plucking the doll from the tissue paper with her stubby pink fingers and holding it up so its wispy blonde hair caught the early morning breeze. "It's really more for practicing sympathetic magic, you know? Like, the effigy is made as a representation of the person, and it's, um, believed... you know, by some people... that manipulating the image of the individual can manipulate the person as well. I, uh, I know you're not really, um, into that kind of stuff," Jenna mumbled, her gaze darting away anxiously down to the sidewalk. "But I thought you might think it was, y'know. Cool."

 It took Melody a little more effort to keep her face frozen in that expression of polite, studious interest this time. But she managed. The last time she made the mistake of letting Jenna know exactly how she felt about the weird, mumbo-jumbo bullshit nonsense Jenna called 'magic', the thin-skinned little bitch was so rattled she missed three days of class and a project planning session. Melody wasn't about to let that happen again, not when her straight A average depended on managing Jenna's emotions. Fucking, fucking Jenna.

 "No, no, it's very nice," Melody said, sounding to herself like she was placating a nervous puppy or an escaped mental patient. Not that Jenna would notice. She was so pathetically grateful to even have someone to talk to that she gobbled up even the tiniest scraps of attention. "So what do you do with this effigy, then? Do you stab pins into it when you want to punish someone?" Melody was surprised to find a touch of nervousness creeping into her voice--again, not that she believed any of that bullshit, but it was one thing to dismiss it when it was just some academic point of contention between her and a wannabe goth girl who dyed her honey blonde hair jet black and another thing entirely to dismiss it when she could see the doll right in front of her. The resemblance was a little bit uncanny for something made out of scraps. She couldn't deny it was kind of wigging her out.

 "Oh, no!" Jenna cried out, once again seeming to take the whole thing unnervingly seriously. "No, I could never use magic to punish somebody, that would be cruel. It's really more like...." She began to stroke the doll's tiny head with her forefinger, brushing back the wispy hair with surprising gentleness for someone who always looked so ungainly. "It's a little bit like a charm, you know? Like, you focus on a feeling, or a thought, and you imagine yourself putting that feeling into the effigy, and the effigy absorbs it and transmits it to the subject and the subject takes on the attributes of the representation."

 Jenna glanced up shyly, just for a moment, then flicked her gaze back down to the sidewalk as if she'd just looked straight into the midday sun. "That's why I made the effigy of you," she said, her voice small and hesitant. "So you'd like me." Her face was beet red, redder than it was after the run for the bus stop, and she squirmed awkwardly like she needed to go find a restroom. But she never stopped stroking the strange little poppet, even for a second.

 Flustered and taken aback, Melody stammered out, "I, um, uh, I mean--I like you, Jenna, of course I do." She felt heat prickling at her own cheeks, and hoped the other woman mistook it for some other kind of embarrassment. Because she was feeling very uncomfortably seen at the moment, and she didn't want to have to admit just how much of it stemmed from the deeply awkward realization that she was only now seeing Jenna as a person and not an obstacle or an inconvenience of a collection of annoying behaviors.

 The feeling only got worse when Jenna looked up at her, this time meeting her gaze with a steady and unblinking stare that looked more than a little bit wounded. "No you don't," she said, sounding more sad than angry. Which of course made Melody feel so, so much worse. "You pretend you do, because we've got this project to do together and we have to get along and don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're doing that because we have to hang out with each other a whole lot for the next couple of months and it would be so awful if you treated me like shit that whole time, but... I can tell. You don't like me. I thought magic would help with that, but... it is kind of silly, isn't it?"

 Melody chuckled. "Of course it is," she murmured gently, reaching out to give Jenna a companionable squeeze on the shoulder as her smile softened into something more genuine. "You don't need magic to get a person to like you, you just need time to get them to know you. To feel... um...." Melody's eyes once again returned to the poppet, small and helpless in Jenna's soft hands. It felt strangely soothing to stare at the rhythmic motion of the other woman's fingers stroking the doll's hair again and again in tender affection. "To feel what you feel for them," she finished, not quite sure where the thought came from but knowing intuitively that it was correct on a deep and meaningful level.

 Jenna's eyes widened in recognition, and she beamed a bright smile back at Melody as she continued to stroke the doll's hair. "Yes! That's it exactly!" she exclaimed, her voice full of the most ecstatic joy Melody had ever heard. "It's not even like the magic is doing anything to your mind, not really. It's more like it's just showing you what I already know." There was an odd, faintly pleading tone to the other woman's words, as though she was convincing herself of something she wanted to believe to be true, but Melody didn't concern herself with it. She had other things on her mind.

 Like Jenna. Fucking Jenna. Fucking curvy, sexy Jenna, with those lush hips and heavy breasts and soft, pillowy thighs. Fucking hot goth Jenna, who defied the whole boring cookie cutter aesthetic of their rinky-dink college and served her own iconic look without caring what anyone else thought of her. Fucking brilliant artist Jenna, who somehow turned a collection of scrap fabrics and hair she pulled out of an old discarded brush Melody had forgotten she even lost to make the most beautiful little effigy of her. Fucking pervy lesbo Jenna who somehow knew Melody was a pervy lesbo just like her. Fucking Jenna who had her own apartment just ten blocks away on a day when both of them could skip class consequence-free. God, how had she missed all this before now?

 "C-could we maybe go back to your place for a little bit before school?" Melody asked, her voice unsteady as she felt an unexpectedly potent swirl of lust throbbing between her legs. "I, uhh, I'd really like to hear more about what this magic is, and, umm... what it can do." What she really wanted to hear was the sound of Jenna moaning in ecstasy as she wrapped those soft thighs around Melody's head and let the blonde woman eat her pussy until she screamed, but Melody was working her way up to that. Everything felt so new and fresh inside her head, and she didn't know if Jenna was ready for that kind of intense sexual experience even if she already felt certain that the beautiful goth wanted the exact same thing she did.

 But when Jenna reached out and took Melody by the hand, still clutching and stroking the doll in her fever-warm fingers as they walked back to the apartment and up the single flight of stairs, the electric heat between them told Melody exactly what Jenna wanted and what she was ready to experience. The two of them barely made it through the front door before they were tugging each other's clothes off, kissing and licking every inch of skin as it was exposed as the overwhelming arousal made Melody's vision blur with pure, sensual lust.

 There was an odd moment when Jenna held out the effigy, and Melody could feel some great import in the other woman's demeanor as she hesitated with the tiny poppet clenched in her grip as if wondering whether it was allowed to set it down. But then as Melody watched, Jenna moved the doll down between her own legs and slowly, reverently stroked it down the length of her cleft labia, causing a shockwave of lust in Melody's body so intense the air went out of her in a whoosh. It was as if she'd been physically struck, even though there was no pain, only pleasure, and in that instant she felt a resistance she didn't even know she'd been holding onto escape her for good.

 Then the poppet was abandoned, musk still clinging to its blonde hair as Jenna lay it heedlessly on her nightstand, and the two of them were embracing in exactly the way Melody had been dreaming of the entire trip over. Her lips and mouth explored Jenna's heavy tits, kissed their way down her broad curvy belly, and finally came to rest against the slick folds of Jenna's beautiful cunt. Melody kissed and nuzzled and licked until her entire face was smeared with pussy juice, until her mind was so heavy with lust she could barely hold onto any thoughts, until all she could think about was how good her lover tasted. If Melody noticed the difference between the woman she was when she got to the bus stop and the woman she'd become, it was only to decide she'd changed for the better.

 Then Jenna got out a strap-on harness and a thick, vibrating dildo. She helped Melody fit it onto herself, sliding the prong into Melody's sloppy cunt and testing it to make sure Melody felt every buzzing thrust in her own pussy. And then, at long last, Melody was finally fucking Jenna. Though perhaps not the way she originally meant it.



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