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Hi folks! It's that time again- the monthly DevLog! Here's a quick peek at the latest developments ⌨️

Light Fairytale Episode 3

Let's start this DevLog with a cutscene video from LF3 🙀

But keep in mind, it's a work-in-progress- the text isn't final, and there are several adjustments and fixes I plan to make for this scene.

Psst... (This is an unlisted video, so let's keep it just between us!)


The X-Framework

"XFramework" is my custom scripts system created for Unity games.

Previously, I've made unique versions of this framework for each game.

However, I've begun consolidating these versions into a singular, unified framework.

This unification starts with "Super Night Riders S1" and "Light Fairytale Episode 3".

This will streamline my workflow, enabling easier transition and synchronization between projects- a crucial aspect, particularly for episodic games.

Moreover, it ensures consistent features across all titles. An example is the new "UI customization" feature, now available in both SNRS1 & LF3.

You can now switch between classic and modern themes in both series.

Déjà vu? I wonder where... 🤔

Additionally, you have the option to modify various colors, opacity and gradients.

Technical features are also shared across projects. For example, the new "full side-by-side" stereoscopic 3D mode introduced in SNRS1 is now also available in LF3.

A cool new feature is the ability to force different aspect ratios. This means you can now play in ultrawide on a 16:9 display, which looks fantastic in Super Night Riders S1 🙀

Studio's Life

There's a new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page on the official website, curated by Miyu- the public relations lead at neko.works 😸

Feel free to reach out to Miyu with all your burning questions, whether they're as profound as the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, or as specific as the number of episodes planned for the Light Fairytale series 😗


TinyLetter- the email newsletter service I've been using, is shutting down soon.

But don't worry! I've already migrated to a new platform: MailChimp.

All the existing subscribers- 150 players, have been transferred.

This platform offers a similar experience as it's operated by the same company.

Haven't subscribed yet? Now is the perfect time to join:



I realized I haven't shared these here yet, so here's the Anime sheet sketches of the Light Fairytale characters so far, by freelance artist Nicca.

Light Fairytale Episode 2

And now, for a special celebration: The 2nd anniversary of Light Fairytale Episode 2 🙀

Well, not exactly, but let's pretend it is 😗

Here's a 4K+ wallpaper of Ayaka in the Deeplands. This is the full uncropped version, available in the attachments bellow.

What's Next

Apologies for the lack of art showcase this month- my focus has been mostly on script development.

However, stay tuned for the next DevLog, as I anticipate having more interesting updates to share 😉

That wraps up this month's insights!

As always, thanks for your support and patience. See you all around 😊




Being able to change the color/opacity of the menus is a good addition! The more options the better!