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Hi everyone 😁 Here's what happened in the past month 😊

Super Night Riders S1

Improved the player animations. The car now have a rider inside, and the motorbike have proper rider feet placement - though still not perfect.

Here's a W.I.P unlisted video. You can also see the improved reflections - with animated clouds now visible on the car 🙀


Here's the low-poly male riders + their motorbikes. Again, this is for the optional "classic" visual style.

New cut for the OP Anime featuring Alice.

Here's the layout...

... and the final render. Available in the attachments bellow as a 4K+ wallpaper.

Light Fairytale Episode 4

Here's the final cover of Light Fairytale Episode 4 - series' last episode.

Available in 4K on the attachments be- ... or maybe not 😅

Again, I'll only reveal it once Episode 3 is fully released on all platforms - around the end of 2024.

Dark Fairytale

Completed one more frame from the Anime I made on DevLog #87.

Though now, the usual freelance Anime artist started working on the project.

Here's Rachel and her Doll in a *professional* Anime style this time 😅

4K+ wallpaper attached.

Studio's Life

There's now a new page on neko.works showcasing the current release plan for all upcoming games, and also all the now released games per platform.

If you're wondering about release dates, or maybe missed a release on a specific platform, this is the best spot to fix it 😁

I'll keep this page updated with the *current* expectations.

Here's the link: neko.works/planning

What's Next

Next month, my focus will still be Super Night Riders S1, but I also want to progress on Light Fairytale Episode 3.

Though, that was supposed to be this past month's plan too, wasn't it? 😅

So yeah, I'll be working on both series starting next month, until they drop on Steam Early Access.

SNRS1 will release first, my current target is early-November 2023.

For LF3, the target is mid-January 2024.

And... that's about it for this month 😁

Though, I know many of you guys are looking forward to the next game to either series yet it keeps getting delayed. Really sorry about it 😅

All I'll say is that I'm working on this full-time and giving my best effort, to the extent of my limited resources, and skills 😭

Though, I've delivered 3 games so far, and truly believe the next 2 will be my best yet 😋

As always, thank you so much for your patience and continuous support. See you soon 😊



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