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  • devlog86_SNRS1_video_gameplay_prototype_4K.mp4



Hi everyone 😁 Here's what I've been working on this past month 😊

Super Night Riders S1

Worked mostly on it as it's close to release on Steam Early Access - around mid-August.

Improved the road system to be modular, so it's now possible to make multiple roads / grounds.

For instance, it's now possible to make the road higher or lower than the ground.

Also implemented a basic sea system which is technically just a road 😅

It's even technically possible to *drive* on the sea, which feels like a Jet-ski game. Alice do have a swimsuit model, hmm... 🤔

This system can also be used to makes dunes, or maybe that wireframe retrowave mountains thing... As the game will have a stage editor / texture mods, can't wait to play your creative stages 😁

Here's a 4K gameplay video on YouTube. This video is non-public so please do not share 😅


I've also included the original video file to the attachments at the end of the post.

More info on Super Night Riders S1: neko.works/SNRS1

Studio's Life

I've opened a digital shop on this very Patreon campaign 😁

Right now, you can purchase and download all of my 4 soundtracks and artbooks packs.

It's the same content as the Steam DLCs, but they are now easier to purchase / download for players on consoles.



An Anime illustration of the mysterious girl in the lab.

4K download available in the attachments bellow.

What's Next?

Next month, I'll be focusing on Super Night Riders S1 once more. This is the final stretch 😋

Sorry for the delay & lack of progress on Light Fairytale Episode 3, but I have good news 😁

On "Patreon Survey" #3 & #5, you've showed your interest in Early Access with limited content.

In the end, I did not publish Episode 1 nor 2 without the main story playable, but now I've decided to do it for Episode 3 😋

The main reason is that Episode 3 is much more ambitious - around the content of 2 episodes.

So, cutting this episode in 2 parts will still give around 3 hours of gameplay each. Also, the cut makes sense in term of the story.

So, I'm now planning to release the 1st half on Steam Early Access around the end of this year 😁

The second half will be added around mid-2024 in a free update.

Unfortunately, consoles version will only happen after the full release on Steam.

I simply don't have the resources to manage multiple platforms at the same time. Not to mention that the game will be in active development - sounds like a nightmare to manage for a solo cat developer 😅

So, I'll do my best to keep my promise of releasing 2 new games this year 😊

And that's it for this month 😋

As always, thank you for your patience and support. See you next time 😊



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