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As mentioned in my previous DevLog, I moved to a new apartment this month - a bit after the planned date though. So, I was cut from work for around 2 weeks.

The good news is that I'm now writing this from the new apartment, with local internet working and everything I need, ready to focus on the development of Light Fairytale Episode 2, until the release around mid-year!

Now, here's what's been going on since the last DevLog.

In the end of January, I've ported my dynamic theme app Live Wallpaper Maker from Android to Windows PCs. It's totally free so please give it a try!


It comes with a few pixel-art themes, but you can download many more gaming themes from the community thread:


Next, I've received the final cover artwork for Episode 2, from the portrait artist romiy.

On a side note, here's a quick fanart of Kuroko I did myself trying a different - cute artstyle this time.

Also, I've started commissioning new songs for Episode 2.

The compositor is the same as all of my other works - Terry Chandler - as I think he have done an excellent job so far!

Here's the theme of one of the new cities called Junk City. Please click to download in MP3 format.


On my side, I've been mostly working on the 1st dungeon in Episode 2.

The main systems are in place. I've implemented new enemies and I'm now finalizing the layout and tweaking the stats. Here's a few screenshots.

Once completed in a few days, the 1st hour of the game should be fully playable, including 2 towns with many NPCs, 1 dungeon with 4 enemy types, 1 boss and many events!

Also, I've already started preliminary work on the next 2 dungeons and the 3rd town.

I want Episode 2 to be around 2 to 3 hours long - just like Episode 1 - and double that for a full completion!

Bonus, here's a 1440p wallpaper featuring the new key artwork!

And that's it for this month!

Again, thank you so much for your continuous support. See you next time!




Fanart of Kuroko? But if you draw it and your the creator is that fanart? I guess you can be a fan of your own stuff. 8-P Rei Hiroe is the creator of the anime Black Lagoon (whose heroine is my name & pic btw) still to this day draws doujins of his own series under the circle name of Tex-Mex or Motchie Kingdom with his name being Red Bear in the circle.


Well, I'm not doing any 2D illustrations for my games anymore. I have both a character designer and portrait artist / illustrator now, at best I make variations to the portrait expressions and such light stuff. So I think that my drawing should be considered as fanart. I'm not the lead artist anymore, and these drawing don't even appear in the games after all! I like the idea of making doujins of my own games though, but I'm not good enough at drawing for that T.T


Okay Okay not good enough at drawing. Suuurrrre, Pull the other one. 8-)