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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Jennifer DOES have Lab experience. She spent her adult life before being locked up, working in her dad’s labs. Her problem isn’t the lab talk, it’s just being social in general lol Deacons hyper-vigilance and knowing something is different with Cassie and Cole is great now that we know about his abusive childhood with his Dad. “I think, one day, you will be the best of us all.” “I saw his eyes” 😭. The whole of Cassies mums analysis of Athan through his Word is amazing. Cassie is still carrying around the pocket watch that she stole from the Witness shrine in Titan. Cole has her watch, she has Athans. I love the symmetry of that. And yet more character growth from Deacon. Couple seasons ago, he was all about himself. Willing to let the world end, just to screw over Cassie and Ramse. Now, he’s willing to hunt down and kill the man that reminds him so much of his dead little brother, and the woman that he has developed feelings for, for the greater good. You asked if Athan was drawing Cole pulling the gun on him, because it had already happened. Athan is Primary, there is no already happened. Same as Jennifer. They see the whole puzzle all at once. But can only focus on certain pieces of it. So already happened is kind of a relative term. For them, it has already happened, is happening, and hasn’t happened yet, all at the same time. They are both drawing the same symbols, which are from some point in the timeline, but they don’t understand them yet from where they currently are in the timeline. Does that make sense?

Richard Higgs

Yes, this is definitely a show to watch more than once, and luckily it is not too long, but you will see the show in a different way when you watch it more than once. And, there are things they did in earlier seasons you won't even realize, you can't even realize, until you have done your first watch through. They put many of those moments in the show, took me several times to catch some of them. Maybe a rewatch with Kim some day, that way she can see the show and you can watch for those moments, just a thought since I would definitely watch that 😊