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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Greers speech and death is a perfect callback to 4x11. When Finch is teaching The Machine about chess and he tells her, “anyone who looks on the world as a game of chess deserves to lose.” I love the final shot of Finch walking into the room, where it’s nearly a duel Machine/Samaritan view. Her seeing him as yellow box Admin, and Samaritan seeing the red triangle threat. Finch using actual pronouns for The Machine makes me emotional. It’s like he finally, FINALLY, understands and accepts what he created. I would recommend tissues for the finale. It’s beautiful, but VERY emotional


I really love a lot of the ideas they threw in to season 5. I just wish the season wasn't cut in half so that maybe they could have explored them more. I often think about what if we did get a full season. So many things I would've loved to have: Full What If? Episode I would have loved a full episode of the What If? idea and maybe explored a bit more on that. Let us see more characters and their trajectory if there were no machine. I would be curious to know how Carter took down HR and survived. I can only guess that, without the machine, Finch and Reese would not be saving numbers. That would include Charlie Burton, ie Carl Elias. Without Reese, Elias would have been killed by the Russians. With no Elias, the balance of power of organized crime in the city might have been a bit different, with the Russian mob on one end and HR on the other, and then that takes on a whole other trajectory. From there, no idea, but it apparently leads to Szymanski and Carter surviving and Carter still taking down HR, probably more by the book and without Reese's trusty "Plan B" bag (Upon a rewatch, it was quite interesting how Reese's "Plan B" bag comes up every now and then. That would be the same bag he fills with illegal guns that he takes from those thugs WAY back in the pilot episode). Control I wished we could have gotten more of her. Perhaps they could have rescued her while she was being transported to some government secret prison and she becomes an unlikely ally for Team Machine. Not necessarily her hanging out with them saving numbers, but going off on her own and occasionally lending a hand and maybe sometimes still adversarial. Kinda like an Elias-type relationship. I could see her getting killed by the end of the season, but going down fighting with her convictions. Claire Mahoney She just kinda disappears after surfacing once on Samaritan's side trying to get to Finch. In the last scene with her, it is almost like her faith in Samaritan falters when she realizes that her actually getting shot and risk dying was part of Samaritan's plan to sell her cover to Finch. I would have loved one more episode with her to kinda close her character arc. I see her story as a tragic one. In this hypothetical episode, she's still a dedicated Samaritan agent. This situation would then occur where her with her own Samaritan agents face off against Team Machine, but in the end, she ends up mortally wounded somehow. She expects Samaritan to rescue and protect her, but realizes that she's just another pawn and is cast off as Samaritan leaves her for dead. In her final moments, Finch is there and they have this final moment together as she passes, Finch holding her hand. She understands in her final moments and looks at Finch with a tear rolling down her cheek and says that she's sorry, realizing her foley. Finch says he's sorry too, wishing he could have done more to save her. This could have been maybe the first loss of the season that starts Finch down the path he eventually takes in 5x10. Alistair Wesley This goes way back to 2x07, where they introduced this former MI-6 agent played by the late Julian Sands. Supposidly, he was going to be the main antagonist in Decima, but instead they went with Greer, which I think was a better choice. Wesley seemed like more of a mercenary for hire than an idealist wishing to have the world being taken over by an ASI. I would have loved a great cat and mouse episode between him and Reese, especially because I feel like Reese doesn't have as much of a direct personal antagonist after Kara Stanton, I feel. I think instead of him, we got closure with The Voice villain, which is an episode I also enjoyed. With a full season, maybe we could have gotten closure with this villain too, since they teased at the end of his only episode that we may one day see him again. More Elias Would have loved to see more of Elias trying to integrate with Team Machine. I really loved the scene they had in the safe house where Elias eludes to Finch's darker side. Would have loved to see more interactions like that between them, and maybe add some more tension due to disagreements with decision making between the two. Honestly would have loved Elias being involved with Fusco to take down that FBI-planted Samaritan agent that killed those people, especially since one of them was his childhood friend, Bruce. Set Up the Idea of ICE-9 Earlier The ICE-9 virus comes off a little too deus ex machina in the show. I wished they had set up the existence of it much sooner, explained more of the implications of it and why Finch would have been against it initially. Maybe though, at the same time, with help from Root, the machine begins prepping for a way for Finch to access the facility that houses the virus early on, as a last resort option if it comes to that, but of course only if Finch chooses to. It could be a bunch of steps that appear cryptic to us as well as Root and perhaps not known by Finch at all until the time comes. It would be very much like the small things the Machine had Root do in preparing to save itself in the briefcase from last season. I think I may have more to say about this in the finale. Deep Fakes Would have loved an episode exploring the dangers of deep fakes. I don't think that was yet a thing back when season 5 was filmed, which may have been in 2015 (aired in 2016), but I can imagine Samaritan creating deepfakes to frame those it deems as deviant for committing a crime to ruin them or maybe ruin a politician to shift political power in its favor. I don't know.