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Trivial rant incoming. 🤣 It's one of those sad moments when an ultra small extra ordinary production value annoys me, because it doesn't make sense for them to make it. As it's not outside pretty basic industry knowledge. When she takes a photograph of House she looks at the back of the camera, suggesting its a digital camera. Reinforced by the fact that they have prints soon after. You can see later that it is digital. But they have repeatedly edited a film camera sound onto the scenes, of the film winding on. Digital cameras of this type, at this time, don't make this sound. Even an electronic simulated one. It's just the sound of the mirror flipping up to expose the sensor. Digital cameras have been around for years now. But still to this day I see examples in film and TV, of editing on retro sound effects that now sound extremely out of place. There will be industry experts spotting inconsistencies or errors all the time when they haven't fully consulted for a real world depiction. Which I can allow for, they can't consult for everything. I'd fire the post production team for that one. 🤣 They did really well to build up to that moment when the baby clasps House's finger. Very moving. I like 'Are you alright' by Lucinda Williams. They used it very affectively in this episode. It was also used well in True Detective too.