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I had time to process it and I guess it makes sense for Harold to be concerned if The Machine's primary objective WAS to send a message to Shaw and just used Max. But idk, I still think there was nothing else to do for him since he made the choice to expose Samaritan. Idk if its still an excuse though because they did save Max from that threat. He just created a new one for himself and he made the choice to do it. Really curious to know what you guys think!



The Machine is completely in the right here, Harold is scared because it is kinda dancing on the line by using Max and the opportunity to reach out to Shaw, but they still did the job of saving Max, anything after that is on Max and his choices.

Suzanne Hunt

I agree Jayson and you Eliza! Root saved Max's life and tried to get him off the grid, but he didn't want to go and then he decided to expose Samaritan knowing he was risking his life!