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I gotta say I'm with you totally on this one. The writing they deployed to bring all these irreplaceable characters back together, is as much a project of convenient realities, as it is a culmination of lazy frictional choices. Without knowing the actual facts, I'd guess they choose to disband at the end of season 5 without the official confirmation of a season 6. Then more than eagerly cobbled together a poorly contrived reformation, with the overly simplified display of how irreplaceable this team is. With the purpose of returning things to how they were. What's maybe unnecessarily bizarre, is the omission that why would these characters even want to come back together without that contrived conflict. The biggest issue seems to stem from wanting that artificial conflict. Rather than simply sticking to the promise of returning in a year.

Avalon Perry

While I do agree that some of this seems a bit iffy, I look at it from a different perspective. When Cam, or Caroline, or whoever says that Booth, Brennan, Hodgins, etc. are "the best," I don't think they're saying that no one else would be able to do their jobs; I think it's more about the connections that have formed that make them better all together. Their team is definitely the best, and there probably aren't a lot of groups of people out there who work as well together as they do while also doing so well at their jobs. Also, one of the biggest reasons Cam is stalled in this case is because there's very specific forensic and entomological work that she's unable to do because it's not her expertise, and it seems as though the people hired in place of Brennan and Hodgins were given to her by the state and not nearly as qualified. While other better people may have been able to be found and help, looking for people who are really good takes time, and even then, those people would only know how to help Cam professionally, not personally. The team is all just one phone call, text, or email away, and they really care about Cam, so, of course, they would be willing to drop everything to make sure she keeps the job she worked so hard in for so many years, and it makes sense that they also liked the idea of seeing each other again because they missed each other more than they thought they would. Maybe the reunion could have been executed a bit better, but I don't think the reason behind it is all that far-fetched. Like you said, you're as good as your team. Sorry this comment is so long, just thought I'd share the way I look at it! :)