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John Walker Is That Dude

To me the cop deserved the condemnation the priest got cuz the priest didn’t know what happened to Morgan until he told him but people acted like he knew he didn’t. The cop didn’t do a thing to stop a pedophile


Yeah, I've always felt with that scene on the jet at the end with Morgan finding out Buford is dead. There would be such mixed feelings. Relief that there is no chance of him ever hurting anyone again, of your abuser being gone forever. Guilt because he knows it was him saying it on the News that alerted the other Prisoners to what he really was. And a certain amount of grief. No matter how much he hurt him, there HAD to be "good" moments in there too in order to get him so compliant. (I hate using that word here, it feels weird, but it is it unfortunately...) I mean, in the episode we find out what happened he was referred to as a father figure to him multiple times. A terrible one who should've never been anywhere near kids, but a father figure all the same... I feel like to Morgan, and a lot of his other victims, there's always going to be that in there. And yeah. Morgan having to face these other victims of Buford and seeing them go in the other direction. Drugs and violence. Again, there's gotta be guilt there too. Guilt that he managed to get out and really make something of himself and they didn't. I think especially as we know that Buford did make that possible by getting his Criminal Record Expunged. There's probably a feeling of "Yeah, what I went through was terrible, but I got something good out of it. They just got trauma and misery." Which isn't right, no matter what someone does that helps you in some way, they NEVER have the right to do that and it doesn't take away from that trauma. But I feel like it's probably a feeling you'd have, especially faced with people who were in the same position as you, but they didn't get that same treatment. Rodney was allowed to sell drugs around the Rec Centre, he wasn't given a chance to leave and make something of his life and have his mistakes erased. (Again, none of this is meant to make light of what Morgan went to or say that it's better for him or that Buford was good to him in any way, what he went through was TERRIBLE! It was just terrible in a slightly different way to the others...) Tbh, what you said about Rodney's feelings towards Morgan, I don't think you were far off. He obviously didn't know Morgan was going through the same thing, but still. He would've looked at that "closeness" that Morgan had with Buford and likely thought he was lucky. That Derek was getting all the good sides to Buford, that he got the father figure without the abuse, he got the Football coaching and the praise and none of the pain. But it wasn't true, of course. He likely saw it as Derek being "better than him" and "worth more" or whatever. Especially as it was a fight with Rodney that got him his criminal record, which Buford got expunged... But Rodney's wasn't. It all just kinda fits together in a really sad and painful story for them both. That scene though. Where Morgan talks him down and arrests him. It is heartbreaking. The son learning that his dad went through the same thing as him, only he had no one to protect him from it. His ex wife finding out, her reaction was so sad too. You can see that if she'd known she would've done everything she could to help him. And Rodney. Him learning Derek went through it too. The shame he must've felt having his family find out. The pain at having it brought up. And no wonder he snapped when he learned his son got hurt in the same way. That's the last thing any parent wants. For their kids to go through the same pain they had to go through. Morgan shouldn't have had to talk to Buford, but he was so strong to do so. And that handshake. Yeah, disgusting. Buford remains my most hated character on this show. I will forever be so proud of Derek in this episode though. First being able to outright tell his team what happened, and being able to call it what it was, saying that he was molested. And then being able to say it on Live TV. Making that start in allowing other victims of Buford's to come forward and tell their story. Or even just accept what happened to them. And I just think of Derek's family seeing that on the News and being so proud of him too. Tbh, I don't think James knew anything. I think he was just upset that Derek had told Blake (and others) his story without his permission. But I don't think he knew any names. He just said that to kinda tell Morgan off for telling his business. So idk who already knew about Derek and Buford tbh... Obviously Hotch knew, and we know JJ knew because of that episode with Angel where Derek talked about it, and I assume Reid at least kinda knew as he was there for the case and I imagine they all kinda figured it out then(plus, JJ wasn't surprised when Morgan said it to Angel, so I assume those who were there just already knew... Could be wrong though...) Blake obviously didn't know. Rossi might've had some kind of idea, but he wasn't there for it either so he probably didn't.