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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I’m so glad you understand what happened at the end and why. Too many people think Miller did it because he was pissed off about Julie, but you really got what was going on with him. And the same with Bobbie last ep. You understand WHY she is the way she is. Most people just think she’s a hot head who wants war because she wants to fight. But you get that she just wants it over with, so Mar’s can get back to terraforming. My fav Expanse character has now entered. It’s not a big role, but I love Fred’s number 2, Drummer, SO MUCH. Shes kind of like a female Deacon, from 12 monkeys, for me. Not a main, but I love them.


Another unimportant but amusing fun fact. The CEO of FedEx has some stake in Alcon Entertainment (the show's production company), so if you see any random FedEx cameos thrown into scenes, that's why lol They've also confirmed they were not paid for it, and just thought it was funny