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Kelly Parks

For a lot of those meds it's dangerous to quit suddenly.


Another stone question. A good one too. The answer is a little conjecture on my part, so take it as developed by established history elements and the reasonable belief of what I imagine has been done. These stones and device look half Ancient half developed earth technology. When discovered, the central 'Ancient's' controlling device wasn't particularly easy to shut off or even control in any manner. Knowing consent of transference wasn't exactly a two way deal. But also was part of the type of narrative they were trying to tell at the time. Exposure to, and discovery of the ancient tech was over many seasons, and the application and development of this idea happened in relation to what story they were trying to tell. Again, a backwards compatible version is being utilised for other narrative objectives in this show. Morally murky ones at times. Many alien technologies have been backwards engineered throughout the franchise. So the long ass way of answering your question. 😆 Would be, I imagine a certain amount of development went into putting in certain restrictions to how the tech operates. Having said all that. If the narrative requires it, it can always break, malfunction. The usual plot conveniences, ya know. 😂