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Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

That first scene with Ramse and Sam…. Epic foreshadowing… “Where did he go?” “Nobody knows”

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

And Cassie told them about her latest tea drinking incident, that’s why they were all talking about it. She just told them about the first time until now. Probably because a lot of stuff happened directly after. She was still in past at that point. Chechnya happened. Then Cole being sick, and then her and Jones basically trying to kidnap little Cole. Then Aaron dying. Then the Ramse thing. Then her being shot and sent to the future. It probably really did just slip her mind until now lol. I LOVE Deacon so much. 3rd fav character in the show. He’s tied with Jones and Cole for me. It’s such a small but mighty character growth moment for him when he trusts Ramse enough to send him in there cuz he knows that neither him nor Cole can kill Cassie. The writing on the giant “city?” that Cassie saw when she was trapped said Titan. We heard the “primary voices” saying “Titan” to Jennifer in 2x1. As with everything thing in this show, it’s all very frustrating that things like Sam being splintered away happen. But they do all have reason for happening. You just have to carry on the journey to understand WHY.