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Fantastic finale, even if it ends a bit on a low point for our team. Always get chills when "Welcome to the Machine" kicks in towards the end :) From what I know the show was kind of on the verge of being cancelled around this time, due to lower viewer numbers and bickering between CBS (who aired it) and WB (who produced it) about streaming rights and profits. It got renewed for 13 episodes in an unusually delayed decision around the S4 finale airing. So it was kinda expected that it was just given a last chance to finish up the story, even though they didn't confirm that until a year later, close to S5 start. Then they aired all of S5 in like 1,5months. A bit sad, but better than just being cancelled on the S4 cliffhanger. Thankfully JJ Abrams and J.Nolan had enough pull to give their team and story a real ending.


ugh its really frustrating when great shows get cancelled.


You just triggered a long forgotten memory of checking regularly if PoI was renewed and always just finding speculation about it maybe getting cancelled due to the CBS/WB issue. When season 5 was announced, obviously that was a big relief, at the same time, the shortened season made me immediately a bit worried whether the producers would be able to tell the story they had planned. But I think the show ultimately got lucky that the producers knew this would be their last season. If the show had ended on the season 4 cliffhanger, that would have been brutal. Many great shows don't even get to attempt to finish on their own accord.