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Michel Stephany Garces

Even though they are kinda all a bit at fault, I always seem to blame Franky the most in the situation. Tbh if she didn’t blatantly flirt with that stranger, acting weird with matty, and just ultimately getting in the car with this person most of this things wouldn’t have happened. I high key hate her. However, I think the way she is acting rn is not completely out of character. I think Franky has abandonment and self-acceptance issues, which is something that has been shown from the very beginning. This is probably why the idea of just getting too attached with someone and creating this seemly perfect relationship is something that terrifies it. She says she doesn’t understand but I think she does, she just doesn’t want things to get too deep so she is looking for a way to get out of it, even if it is hurtful. I also think she just wants to hurt others as much as she hurt… soo unfair for everyone involved. But that is just what I think. As for Mini, I think she just accepted that Franky wasn’t going to be the one for her and moved on. It’s very easy to get crushes and fell out of them when you are teen, I think. I think what you said about her feeling a bit if power over Alo totally makes sense tho, she didn’t have power in relationships before and now is feeling confident about herself and use Alo in the process (though I am totally against using ppl like this, they are young and well stupid hahah). I like that they all get along pretty well here, i vibed with their friendship (well, aside from Franky and Matty lol). Anywaysss, Grace & Rich SUPREMACY alwayssss and foreverrrr!


I appreciate your comment, especially about Frankie and her self esteem issues. I'm going to talk more about my feelings on the next episode but yeah, it was hard to watch.