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all my thoughts but i've always heard this was most peoples least favourite generation. most people i know who have watched skins stopped watching after 2nd gen and returned for the final season. this is my first time watching this generation and i have to say this this liv/matty/frankie and now mini thing feels like the worst plot of the entire series so far. i think this season was okay despite some non-compelling characters/actors but this finale dropped the ball alot. i do think the mini's concern for frankie comes from her seeing herself in frankie and her regret over losing her virginity to nick. i like that storyline if that is what's going on but it could've been way better. also... the whole franky freakout this episode seemed like they were trying to recreate effy's breakdown in the woods but just not very good. i'm also really confused with matty's character and why he was so emotional at the end. i also agree about the acting which feels like a school drama performance at times. he's not the worst actor this season, but i've seen matty, the actor, in so many other shows and i think hes a great actor but he's so cringey here. understandable for alot of these actors it is their first real go at it, but it was the same for the previous generations and the acting was really good. overall i am just so confused at what happened this episode. idk..... i hope next season is better because although i like rich/grace, there's not a standout A-tier character here for me. but yeah, rant over sorry to those who love this gen/season i don't wanna shit all over it

Michel Stephany Garces

Tbh I never noticed how rushed this finale was until now 😂 perhaps I’m a little blinded by my love for Grace & Rich’s relationship. Your points are totally valid and I believe your opinion is not that unpopular, many ppl didn’t really like this era or didn’t even bother to watch it. As for me, i do love this era but it is mostly because of the second part (season 6). I didn’t remember anything about this season aside from the scenes between Grace & Rich (cuz I freaking loveeeee them) and maybe some things with liv and mini but it was more of a faint memory… so I totally get your point. And yeah the acting isn’t the greatest at times lol. The second part explores a lot of things that I truly vibed with even though (without spoiling anything) one of the choices really upset me til this day I am a little salty about it but either way, enjoyable in my opinion.