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Not ready for this ever… 😭


What you said about Reid and Blake, I think maybe it could partly be she reminds him of Gideon in a way, yeah. But I think it's also a similar reason why he was so close to Gideon and Hotch and Rossi. With them, they kinda fill that void of a Father, and with Alex I think she kinda does the same with his Mother. Because while he has his Mum who he loves and she loves him and all that, there's definitely some issues there too. Just talking about that to avoid the pain that is this episode... Haha So I recently rewatched the show with my Dad. It was his first time watching, and I'd already seen it. When we got to S8 and were introduced to Maeve, he was instantly so happy for Reid and he just wanted them to be together. When it got to their date that had to be cancelled he got upset and asked if they'd ever get to actually meet... My response was that yes, they get to meet. He was very upset when we got to this episode... 🤣