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Kelly Parks

I *love* this episode! It convinces you that something very sad is going to happen, especially with the excellent somber music. Then the music switches very slowly to excited and happy and then, finally, to tension as the shuttle desperately tried to get back. Good job, Math Boy.


I only got around to watching last weeks episode yesterday. Ha ha, funny that my nerd out comment on ep4 kinda sorta addresses some of the elements of your opening thoughts. Hope you read that after the fact. The 'Sun' is the name that developed from old English which came from other languages, for the star at the centre of our solar system as part of the Milky Way galaxy. So like Kelly has said, they are one in the same class of astronomical bodies in the known universe. However, technically, not all stars are large enough to be classified by name as a sun. To be called a sun, a star has to be at the centre of a planetary system. There are 7 classes of stars based on size, suface temperature and thus brightness. I love a sling shot manuver. I think it shows how smart Eli actually is, to do those calculations in such a short time window under such pressure, given his inexperience in those kinds of situations. The one thing I could never take much to, after coming out of the other SG shows. Was the level of melodrama and mistrust that makes up the situation that these four groups of people have been thrown together into. It does serve this show, when it doesn't have a clear adversary from the pilot episode. The adversary is the situation they find themselves in, and how elements of some groups vie for control over the situation. There has always been an element of military vs civilian control throughout the franchise's history. But this one pressure cookers them into exploring more toxic personality traits.