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Øyvind Jenssen

1. What do you think Captain Chandler's plan is once he gets to the west coast of the US? You always know he has a plan, so do you have any theories as to what that is? 2. What is your opinion on Captain Joe Meylan. He is the former CO of the Hayward, that was deliberately sunk, and who tried to oust and prosecute Captain Chandler a few episodes back. Personally I think he is a very good Captain. He is narrowminded, but a good Captain. If the world was normal, and the proocedures and actions that is needed on a ship were normal, then he and Chandler would probably be equally skilled. But Meylan does not fare well thinking outside the box. He would not have the right skills to find the cure in the way that Chandler could. His heart was in the right place when he ousted Captain Chandler, but he refuses to look outside his own comfort zone. And given his perspective, I don't blame him, since he has not gone through what Chandler and his crew had to. 3. Dumb question, but how do you felt about having Tex back? Just FYI, the actor who played him, John Pyper Ferguson, were working on other projects, that is why Tex wasn't in the season until now. He is a fan favorite, so the showrunners would love to have him there more often, but is was the actors choice to be gone that long. 4. Now that Takahaya (Kaito) and Chandler has parted ways, what are your thoughts on him? I think he was a vert well written character. Not many people can sell to the audience going from a hated villain, to a beloved ally. But he managed that in my view. :) 5. And finally, what are your thoughts about Kara? I think she really came to her own in season 3. Her husband Danny had much more screentime than her in the previous seasons, and he had a more prominent role, but she really has stepped up here.I love her character. Did you know that The Last Ship was one of Marissa Neitling's first acting jobs? (The actress who plays Kara)