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Kevin Tipcorn

How has it taken me almost 15 years to recognize the guy who gets relieved from stone duty on Earth, Peter, is the 'Wormhole X-treme' guy, aka Nick Marlowe, aka Colonel Danning? Probably because I watched it online and streams were still really bad quality back then. Sorry, I know this means nothing to anyone who hasn't watched SG1 but there's no one else to say it to right now.


I hear you man. But.... Hey, it's what I do!


Gonna nerd out on ya here. The communication stones draw their power from subspace. Much like a zero point module does. (Canon SG1) Within science fiction, subspace is a space time continuum that is travelled and communicated through. As a means of overcoming the great obstacle and limitations that travelling long distances or at great speeds through normal space would present. Being the time needed or affects on the body. In most narrative instances subspace is not depicted as inhabited. So different from lets say a parallel universe. Which another representative dimension. Hyperspace, as well as others, being a term of dimensional travel. Which is fixed point end to end travel, where as subspace has been shown to be navigated through when in a spacecraft. Subspace is what the stargates also travel through, but by means of an artificially created wormhole. Within science fiction, wormholes are depicted as naturally occurring too. Both in a fixed status and also randomly occurring, which is obviously an unreliable source if travel. Obtaining power from other dimensions is a tact that gets depicted as both safe and hazardous within science fiction. With the unpredictability of 'Exotic particles' interacting across dimensions. Which is neither relevant, but more of a thought tangent. The first show has a scene which fairly efficiently explains gate travel. One in which the aforementioned Jack O'neil pretends to be confused, while Sam the resident astrophysicist of the team explains it like picturing the universe as an 🍎 and rather than travelling around the outside, they are, in rudimentary terms, burrowing through the apple.