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Yeah, this episode is very emotional! I feel so bad for Rosa. I'm glad her Dad came around in the end, but it still sucks that his first reaction was so bad. She's gonna have that memory for the rest of her life, no matter what he does to make up for it. And it sucks even more that her Mum didn't end up coming around. She deserves so much better than this. AND YES! I was literally about to write about how it was this way around when you mentioned it. Usually shows have the Mum come around and be more understanding about it while the Dad is just awful. But they went the other way here and I really appreciate that. And I feel bad for Jake too, but obviously in a whole other way. Poor guy just kept getting dragged into it all. 🤣 But he was great this episode. Like, of course he was slightly annoyed that the dinner was sprung on him like that and then when Rosa said they were dating, but he very quickly just went along with it and was just there for her through the entire thing. Then at the end when he organised a Game Night because he knew how much it'd meant to Rosa with her parents and that she wasn't going to be doing it for a while. Just so sweet. I love their friendship so much. It's one of my favourites of the show. (That's what I love about this show though. Pretty much every pairing of characters works really well because they all love each other and have great chemistry and an amazing dynamic...) Then that moment with Holt and Rosa at the end. I love that moment so much! It's just a short little moment that means so much! I mean, if you look at it this way. When Holt came out, his coworkers were awful, he went through Hell at work but he's finally got a Squad of coworkers who accept him and embrace him and love him. Rosa's coworkers instantly accepted her, she immediately had the love of them all and they happily embraced her sexuality. Meanwhile, it seems that Holt's family was very accepting. We've met his Mum and his sister and they both clearly have no reservations about his Sexuality. But Rosa had those issues with family, of them not understanding or accepting. (Her Dad came around, but still...) But she has her work family there for her. Holt understands what Rosa is going through. They had different experiences, but at the end of the day they've both had to deal with people not accepting them for who they are. But Holt has now been out for a LONG time and knows it gets easier, Rosa is just getting there. And the line! "Every time someone comes out and says who they are the world becomes a better more interesting place." SO TRUE! I love that line so much! Holt said what she needed to hear from her parents really. Yes, her Dad came around, but still. Holt has adopted another child. As you know, I feel the same way about Gina. The thing is, she has her moments. There are moments she says something funny, or where she's actually nice to someone. But it's just overshadowed by how awful she is most of the time and how little growth she's had. I mean, the way she treats Amy is atrocious. If I were Amy, I would be so relieved by the idea of her not coming back. But instead she went to her place to basically beg her to come back. And they gave her the blackmail files she had on them... I'd be reporting her... (Although Amy's isn't that bad, I love her clothes... But who knows what's in everyone else's...) AND THEN AT THE END! When she came back! She quit, so they hired someone else. Then she just comes in and tells them to get rid of the poor guy! I'm sure he'd have been much better at the job too... Yeah. I am very annoyed by Gina... And like you said, it's because she just doesn't grow or face consequences. Everyone else is reprimanded when they do something wrong, but Gina is praised for it. They always manage to turn it around to make her the hero somehow... (Like when she was making everyone drink cement! That is probably the one that pisses me off the most...) So yeah, I wasn't really there for that part of the episode. As soon as she showed up, I was just constantly waiting to get back to Rosa and Jake. I mean, I was anyway as that was of course the better storyline of the episode and the main one, and the important one. But before Gina showed up, I wasn't quite as desperate to get back to it... Like, I think it could've been a fun little B Storyline of them trying to get the Wifi back and continuously failing and having to come up with more and more ridiculous ways to go about it. Instead we got Gina to the rescue once again... (Only times I can really stand Gina is when she's with Jake, Holt or occasionally Charles...) I really need to stop with my Gina rants... But her coming back triggered one... Haha