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I think this might be the weakest bit of writing for the show for me. You can see the potential set up coming a mile away, and Dott is perhaps the most transparent he's been so far. As we the viewer are in on part of whats going on for this segment of the narrative, it waters down uncertainty. But dials up the anticipation which does counter it nicely. But I've always thought that these particular officers might trust him a little less than they appear to. Considering Dott was part of that very first unit that they all investigated together, when Gates was under the spot light. I think Dott was a slightly stronger character as part of that team. His two-facedness was better hidden then. This weaselly brown nosing sycophant, burgeoning on desperate, muppet, makes my skin crawl a bit too much. However it does play into the aspect of imperfect coppers investigating bent coppers. They are never looking quite near enough to where they need to be.