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I love this episode. There's just something to deranged about it... I feel so bad for the daughter though!! The parents were both pretty bad. The Mum choosing the money over a human life, and the Dad having an affair. But the daughter was just a kid who was really struggling and ended up addicted to drugs, and her Mum was more worried about what it'd do to her future than the fact that it could literally kill her rn. Plus, I just feel that Braden was the favourite child. The Mum basically expected her to die to save him and that was really sad tbh... So we all know that Reid IS definitely Autistic. But honestly, so is Alex... She's clearly not great with social cues and the conversation between them when she apologised where they both agreed it'd be easier if everyone just said what they meant and got it over with, SO RELATABLE! But you're right. I love that Alex was quick to apologise to Spencer about asking if he's Autistic. Because yeah, he clearly wasn't bothered by it, he didn't even register that she'd asked him that, but it's just great that she recognised that she'd maybe overstepped and apologised for it. The friendship between those two is one of my favourites, for many reasons. But the moment she asked him on the plane if he's Autistic, I love that you can kinda see it on everyone's faces that they're all thinking the same thing. He's just rambling on about Autism and all the symptoms and all that, and everyone is just looking at him like "Yeah, you're just describing yourself rn..." I LOVE that Hotch and Beth didn't break up over her moving to New York. It's so mature and refreshing to see. I mean, come on! Hotch is often out of Town for work anyway, it's not like it's that different. It's just really nice to see a couple deciding to be long distance and actually work for their relationship instead of just giving up because one of them is moving away. So often we get the characters having this tearful goodbye as one of them leaves, after deciding they should break up because long distance doesn't work or whatever, then they end up seeing each other and there's this huge fight about "Why didn't you fight for me? Why didn't you ask me to stay? Or come with me?" and then they obviously end up together. And it's SO annoying. So glad they went the mature route with this instead, especially as they are both full grown adults with adult jobs. And I just love Beth so much. She is perfect for Hotch! So glad they gave him a happy story instead of the usual torture...