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I love how overdramatic Holt gets with the simplest of things. It's just great! And Kevin hating the pie but not wanting to stop going on those trips is so cute! I love them. They really are perfect for each other!! And Hitchcock and Scully really shine this episode! When it's something they really care about, nothing will stop them! I love that Rosa has been getting closer to her family since Prison. It's nice to have her open up a little about what it was like for her. I love that we really see where Jake and Amy get certain traits from this episode. It is in full force. Also, I love that they call their Dads super competitive, as if they're not also super competitive... I mean, their first date was literally due to a bet. They used a bet to decide who's place they'd move into. The Halloween Heists are literally just them being SUPER competitive. It's great. I don't think they realise quite how much they take after their parents. And Jake has 3 sisters and who knows how many brothers... Is anyone actually surprised? I'd be more surprised if he didn't, considering how many people Roger has had sex with...