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About the extra thoughts you posted about Elias-Dominic mirroring the situation of the Machine-Samaritan, thats a great catch and there's definitely something there! This is one of the reasons I hope you will do a rewatch with Kim after you finish the show, because it will be interesting to see how many of these underlying connections you will spot on a 2nd watch, and of course it would be great to see Kim see the show! Hopefully you give this a strong consideration because i know I would love it!

Clara V.

Another great Elias episode, I love the loyalty between him and Anthony, how Elias really had Dominic where he wanted him the whole time, but was so adamant about not springing the trap while Anthony was still there and the pain you can see on his face when he finally gives up the code. Just superb. By the way, the latin phrase Anthony said at the end Morior Invictus means roughly "to die undefeated" or "I die undefeated", which is a great way to turn Dominic's bullshit about the romans around on them (and just a really badass line to go out on). And Elias's line Invictus Maneo "I remain undefeated".